Monday, February 17, 2025

Cover crop - search results

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How to Work With Neighbors to Graze Their Cover Crops and Crop Residue

One of the ways that graziers can extend their season is by working with neighboring crop farmers to graze their cover crops and crop...

Cattle Grazing Cover Crops – How Crop Growers and Graziers Can Work Together

This 1:57 minute video is a good look at how graziers and crop growers can work together for the benefit of each other and...

First Steps for Economic Success Integrating Livestock and Cover Cropping Systems

This information comes to us from the latest newsletter of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Center for Grassland Studies. As part of its mission, the...

Cover Crop Legumes That Are Great Forage

This study may not have turned out as planned, but it did provide some great information about just how useful some pea and hairy vetch varieties are for providing forage for spring grazing.

Grazing Cover Crops for Soil Health and Profit

Thanks to Elisabeth Spratt of the Pasture Project for this article on their recently finished project! If you raise crops and are looking for a...

Tips for Grazing Cover Crops

When we graze cover-crops we always need to be considering both meeting the livestock needs as well as soil building objectives. The more cover-crop...

Can Cover Crops and Rotational Grazing Extend Your Grazing Season?

Thanks to the UDSA Natural Resources Conservation Service for sharing this story and the photos with us! Jared Namken is an Angus man. Red Angus,...

Cover Crop Seeding – Build Your Own Seeder Or Use the One You’ve Got

Readers who responded to our 2018 survey asked if we could include a little more information on cover crops. So here's a start of...

Healing Soils With Cover Crops and Cattle

Here's a 4:13 video from the Land Stewardship Program's Bridge to Soil Health Initiative. In it, Kaleb Anderson shows how he uses "sacrifice" pastures...

Creating Resilient Soil With Cover Crops and Integrated Livestock

Thanks to Kara Pugsley, the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition and the Natural Resources Conservation Service for this profile in soil health. If you'd like...

Different Cover Crops Release Nitrogen at Different Rates

Even if you're not growing cover crops to feed your cash crops, this is great information because it gives us more insight into the...

Beginning Farmers’ Success with Managed, Multi-Species Grazing, Cover Crops and More

Shane and Jessica Blair are new Minnesota farmers getting started with the help of a team from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Here's how it worked for them. See if there are resources here that might be useful to you, no matter where you are in your farming/ranching career.

Forty Plus Years of No-Till and Cover Crop Success

Think no-till is a new deal? Well not to Jimmy Standefer. He planted his first no-till cover crop in 1967. It was a failure....

Transitioning Cropland to Pasture With Cover Crops

It's never too early to start thinking about what you'd like your summer grazing to be like. Check out this video showing summer annual cover crops in action.

Small Grains as Forage AND Cover Crops

Small grains like triticale or rye are popular forages right now, but their soil building attributes can be overlooked. Here are a few of our thoughts about the ways they can benefit us just by growing.

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