Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Joshua Dukart

Joshua Dukart
Joshua is a Certified Educator of Holistic Management who speaks and teaches regularly throughout the United States and Canada. Joshua’s career path started as an Agricultural & Bio-systems engineer, but has evolved into a professional role of educator, facilitator, and mentor. Through this progression was born a consulting business that works with land managers, families, and organizations in assisting them with achieving sustainable balance of people, finances, and resources. Joshua has the good fortune of working with some of the most innovative and progressive holistic managers in the United States and Canada. His travels have afforded him the opportunity to observe and learn through direct management of challenging whole situations in many different environments. Owning livestock of his own and providing grazing and financial planning for various ranches and farms has allowed Joshua to stay directly involved in production agriculture. This connection to reality provides the foundation to his teaching, consulting, and speaking activities. It also allows him to share both the conceptual basis and applied techniques of the regenerative agriculture he promotes. Joshua stays involved with management of the family ranch where he grew up, which concentrates on meshing grazing and forage cropping for enhancement of all animals, wild and domesticated. This family-focused business annually combines land, cattle, and resources with other ranches to provide greater financial, ecological, and social benefits then each ranch could achieve alone. Joshua also works for the Burleigh County Soil Conservation District. This soil health team serves as an educational and support network for agricultural producers in developing grazing, cropping, gardening, and cover cropping plans for the purpose of enhancing soil, plant, animal, and human health.

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