On Pasture is a subscriber and sponsor supported online magazine for graziers translating research and experience into practices farmers and ranchers can use right away.
On Pasture is also the most read publication of its kind. In just six short years On Pasture has become the place where over 100,000 readers a month come to find information that will help them improve soil health, grow more forage, protect water quality, enhance wildlife habitat and more. Our goal is to help you be more successful and profitable, and to ensure that rural communities can grow and thrive.
Building a Community of Innovation
Reading On Pasture means that you’re part of a community of farmers and ranchers learning and growing together. We provide you with the information and support you need to try something new or to make a change. Perhaps that’s why a remarkable 95% of On Pasture readers say they’ve changed the way they think or what they do.

Who Brings On Pasture to You?
Kathy Voth is On Pasture’s Founder, Publisher and Editor and she writes about half the articles. She shares a little more about herself, and how each weeks’ articles get published, here.
Peter Williams is our web maintenance and security guru. We get about 10,000 hack attempts a month and he makes sure the bad guys don’t get in. He also works with sponsors and advertisers.
We also have a long list of contributors who share their knowledge and experience with the On Pasture Community. On Pasture wouldn’t happen without them!
Ask For What You Want
On Pasture publishes articles that respond to the questions we’ve been asked. Help us serve you better! Tell us what you want, tell us about your operations and what information would meet your operation’s needs.