Meg Grzeskiewicz has always wanted to be a rancher. But getting there without a family farm to start from means she’s facing challenges that many new farmers and ranchers face: how to develop the skills and how to find a land base to work from. She’s taken these challenges head on, starting first with getting an education through school and internships, and then by diving head first into building her own beef business.
The lessons Meg shares in her articles are helpful for folks starting their own operation from scratch, and for experienced farmers and ranchers who are considering trying custom grazing or considering leasing land. To help this information get out, I’ve put together a handout with links to her articles. You can download it, copy it in either color or black and white, and then share it at your conferences, workshops and other events.
You can download Meg’s Beef Business Lessons here. You can find other handouts by clicking on “Handouts” in the menu bar.
Thoroughly enjoy your articles. Keep up the good woek.
Question. What’s the skinner on ACV ?
Randy Peterson