Well shoot! This page is temporarily out of order. Apparently Amazon changed something when I wasn’t looking, and now none of these links work. I’ll work on rebuilding the lists and the links shortly so that you can find these resources again. Sorry about that!!
Looking for some good reading or a gift for someone special? Here are some offerings from On Pasture authors along with some other helpful ideas. For those items being served up by Amazon, remember that a portion of the proceeds go to On Pasture to keep help keep the library online.
Order these books directly from On Pasture Authors
Greg Judy
You can order these books at Greg’s website.
Dave Pratt
Visit the Ranch Management Consultants website to find this book and DVD.
[/one_fifth][one_fifth]Click here to read an excerpt of The Turnaround.[/one_fifth][one_fifth_last][/one_fifth_last]
Jim Gerrish
Jim’s books and more are available at his website, here!
Whit Hibbard
