There’s a saying that “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Usually we think it means we didn’t learn the lessons of the past so now we’re repeating the same mistakes. But it can also be about forgetting the discoveries made by those before us, so we reinvent the wheel over and over again.
What does that mean for graziers?

For decades there have been folks doing good grazing work and what they’ve done squares well with what we call “regenerative agriculture” today. In these articles from the 1950s and 1960s, you’ll read about some of their successes, and you’ll probably notice things they did that we no longer do because we’ve learned from their consequences. There are also things they did that we can do more easily thanks to new technologies like electric fencing, and solar power.
Every generation discovers new things and new names are a part of that process. I grew up in an era where this was called “sustainable agriculture” based on a desire to preserve the landscape for ourselves and future generations. Today we call it “regenerative” as a nod to our desire to improve conditions for ourselves and those that follow. Whatever we call it, it’s always helpful to learn from past generations so we can move forward more easily and avoid mistakes.
Enjoy this week’s visit to the past!
Intensive Pasture Management Pays – Everything Old is New Again
And the Funnies!
From the Farmer’s Almanac of 1936.