This week’s collection looks at what minerals livestock require to be healthy, and ways for feeding those minerals in pasture.
We start with this great piece from the Beef Cattle Research Council of Canada. I haven’t done articles specific to goats and sheep, so I’ve added links to the Merck Veterinary manual for them below.
Here Are the Minerals Cattle Require and What Deficiencies Look Like
You can find mineral requirements for goats here.
Mineral requirements for sheep are here.
Cafeteria Mineral Feeding
Many graziers like to allow their livestock to choose which minerals they need, and they set up a “cafeteria” system that lets them choose. But whether or not it is effective depends on the animals ability to choose well. Beth Burritt worked with Fred Provenza for many years doing research on how animals choose what to eat. Here she shares the results of research on how animals learn and studies on their ability to choose minerals.
Serving Up Minerals
John McKinnon, DVM lays out how you can build a good mineral program for your herd:
Next, john Marble shows us the simple method he’s developed based on what he knows his livestock need. Be sure to check out the comments on this piece. There’s some good information there as well!
Finally, if you’re in the market for a mineral feeder, here’s one you can build:
And the Funnies!
I’m still prepping for Halloween. 🙂