Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Michael Harman

Michael Harman
I am the head of the GIS Department and Assistant Professor of GIS at Northern Virginia Community College. I am a scientist. I love data, discovery, and problem solving. I am a bit of a water quality expert. My academic background is in the natural sciences. I have Ph.D. from West Virginia University where I studied phosphorus movement and modeling and agriculture. I have degrees in Applied Agricultural Science, Animal and Vet Science, Agronomy -Soil Science, Public Administration, and Agriculture. I am an experienced Agriculture and Natural Resources extension educator / county Agent and author of multiple articles and publications. I have served as a local resource to assist in the identification and resolution of any agricultural and natural resources issues. I have developed agricultural and natural resources related programming to support the people of the county, the state, and the nation. In my current position I train students in the basic and advanced use of Geographic Information Systems to solve problems, model “stuff” and identify patterns in data. In my spare time, I love to write for On Pasture!

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