Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Success and Profit – Are you getting where you hope to be?

This week's collection is was inspired by a conversation I had with a young friend who is trying to figure out how to expand...

Making Money With Sheep Grazing

While lots of graziers think of cattle as their first option, raising sheep as a primary enterprise, or as part of a multi-species grazing...

Heading Back to Pasture – Tips from Victor Shelton

Your timing for heading back to pasture is different depending on where you live. In Oregon, John Marble already has "run-away" grass and is...

Safe Animal Management Tips

Did you see this recent story? His Best Friend was a 250-Pound Warthog. One Day, It Decided to Kill Him. What I was most amazed by was...

A Big Wow From My Vision Quest

Last week I did something I've never done before. I made a vision board. And it was fun, eye-opening, and I've already seen benefit...

Start Your 2024 Grazing Season With a Plan (For Time Off)

I'm starting this week off with a story about how a grazing chart helped a grazier grow better relationships with the people that matter...

Get Your 2024 FREE Grazing Charts Here (with some instructions)

It's that time of year again when we post links to this year's FREE grazing charts. They come to us courtesy of Troy Bishopp....

Electric Fencing Supplies, Resources, and How-Tos for Success

This week we're talking electric fencing - the best invention so far for making grazing management easier and more profitable! As with everything if you...

Calving, Kidding and Lambing Tips for Success

It's that time of year again! Or maybe it's already over for folks who still calve in February. Either way, here are some tips...

Grazing Goals to Get You Where You’re Going

Welcome to the final week of the On Pasture Virtual Conference. For me, the best part of a going to any conference is the opportunity...

See Where You’re Going: Growing a vision that works for your grazing operation and your life

Welcome to Week 2 of On Pasture's Virtual Grazing Conference! If you're anything like me, a conference shakes up your brain a bit and gives...

It’s Okay to Change Course

Here's another presentation for Week 2 of On Pasture's Virtual Conference. I learned something three decades ago that has served me well whenever I...

Moving Toward a Better Life With Grazing

Welcome to the On Pasture Virtual Grazing Conference! One of the great things about going to a grazing conference is that getting out of your...

How Many Cows/Animals Can I Raise?

Oh no. It's time for Math. I think for many of us (yes, me included) it comes as a bit of a surprise that math...

Regenerative Agriculture Pioneers: Tips from the Legends

This week's article collection is a little heftier than usual. In fact, there are eight articles, all inspired by the featured video: Regenerative Agriculture...

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