Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Good News About Climate Change

We've all seen that graph that shows the ups and downs of carbon in the atmosphere. Vostok ice core data shows us that for...

Let’s kick off 2023 with some good news!

We’ve all seen that graph that shows the ups and downs of carbon in the atmosphere and then the sudden rise to levels never...

Good News: You Don’t Have to Make New Year’s Resolutions!

I'd like to start off with some great news: You don't need to make New Year's Resolutions! January 1st is an arbitrary date chosen by whoever...

Planning for your 2023 Grazing Season

The best way to start your grazing season is to know where you are and where you want to be. So this week, I'm...

Resources for Carbon Farming to Cool the Planet

We’ve now established scientifically that there is a version of agriculture that actually results in more carbon in the soil in a durable form...

December’s Reading List

The first three articles in this week's collection come from my favorite grazing philosophers. Each is a different take on thinking about and managing...

Cooling the Planet with Carbon Farming

We've now established scientifically that there is a version of agricultural that actually results in more carbon in the soil in a durable form...

Creative Thinking 101

I woke up this morning thinking about the upcoming Lunch With Forages. It features two gentlemen from Lithuania who will be talking about what...

Thinking Outside the Box

Consider This - it's the On Pasture category where you'll find articles that are a little out of the ordinary for a grazing publication....

What’s up this week?

I don't have a lot to tell you this morning as I've been busy with some other work. I've been writing a chapter for...

What’s Going on Under the Soil Surface?

Last week, in the first in this series, we looked at how carbon gets into the soil, the different carbon fractions and what they...

Don’t be Bamboozled! Knowing When to Keep Your Money in Your Pocket

We're devoted to checking the science to find out if practices will help you. Here are the questions we ask demonstrated with an example of bamboozlement.

A Primer on Carbon Sequestration

There's a lot of information out there right now about soil carbon sequestration and what farmers and ranchers can do to sequester more carbon...

Breeding Matters – A Four Part Series from Morgan Hartman

Back in 2014, Morgan Hartman put together this excellent series on the ins and outs of breeding and genetics. It was very popular then,...

Policies that Save Lives

Did you know that working age deaths are higher in the United States than in other high-income countries? It's an unfortunate trend that public...

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