Sna-KoilTM is a revolutionary new product that works equally well for all crops, in all soil types, and in all environments. Farmers from Antarctica to Iowa, from Siberia to the Sahara, are raving about it!
Used properly, Sna-KoilTM will:
- Reduce your fertilizer costs
- Increase your crop yields
- Restore soil biological and nutrient balance if used at recommended rates for five consecutive years
- Cause your corn to nodulate and to begin fixing nitrogen
- Dissolve corn rootworm larvaeAs a fuel additive, it will make your tractor run more smoothly, extend engine life, and improve efficiency.
- Freshen your breath
What’s In Sna-KoilTM?
Surely you don’t expect me to share proprietary secrets! You can be assured that it is made only of the finest ingredients, cultured with care, distilled to perfection in the Florida Everglades, and absolutely safe for all purposes. Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations!
A research summary is included to validate my claims. Due to space limitations, no details about my research methods are included. High quality photographs and convincing testimonials can be found at our website.
Statistical information such as least significant differences (LSD) would be too confusing, so it is not included.
The research was done by my private company. I just didn’t feel like land-grant universities could do the research properly, being in the back pockets of large, evil agribusiness corporations and all.
I am not in the business of giving product away, so if you want to try it, you will have to buy it. Since it only comes in 55-gallon drums, if you are going to try it, you might as well use it on your whole farm.

Sna-KoilTM is a soil conditioner and we do not claim that it contains N, P, K, or any other nutrient, it is not regulated by any agency or department of agriculture, and is exempt from fertilizer laws. This allows me to bring you this product at a rock- bottom price. In times of high fertilizer prices, it is essential that you capitalize on this opportunity!
Just a few ounces per acre of Sna-KoilTM is all it takes! Buy now while supplies last! Purchase online at
Seriously . . .
It’s that time of year again and there are many products being promoted that will not pay you back. While there are lots of good products out there, don’t fail to focus on the most basic good management practices (soil testing, pH, fertility levels, etc.) before moving on to unproven technology. Recognize and be wary of overly grand claims, and note when objective data is conspicuously absent. If a product sounds particularly interesting, try it on a small scale, enlisting the assistance of your local Extension agronomist, and check for real yield differences at the end of the year.
Dan Hudson can be contacted by calling 802-751-8307 ext 356 or e-mailing