Thursday, January 16, 2025
HomeThe FunniesPulled Pork Farm

Pulled Pork Farm

This is how it’s really made!

Pulled Pork Farm

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J.B. Higley
J.B. Higley
J.B. began sending us funnies for On Pasture shortly after we started publishing. We thought that you'd enjoy these offerings too. J.B. is a stalwart supporter of the marriage between humor and farming from years of breakfasts eaten while reading the funnies. Weaned on "Bloom County," "The Far Side," Calvin and Hobbes," Cul de Sac" and "Bizarro" with a variety of meats, eggs, dairy, wheat and oat products.


  1. My favorite recipe, is to take one of our smoked hams, and cook it in the crock pot on low for 10-14 hrs. BBQ sauce isn’t even required, but some people like to add it.

    We raise our pigs on pasture and in wood lots, they have just the right amount of fat, and tons of flavor.

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