Dear On Pasture friends,
Let me start by thanking you for your support for On Pasture. I know it sounds silly, but truly, I’ve been thinking of you every morning for the past nine-plus years as I worked to bring you information that would be both useful and entertaining. I’ve written 1,641 articles and a great team of volunteer authors has added their own expertise, so today, On Pasture has a library of almost 3,000 articles. That’s a lot of great grazing information!
My news is that I am retiring at the beginning of September.
But that doesn’t mean the end of On Pasture.

Starting in September, and for as long as I can afford it, On Pasture will be a free library of grazing articles and information. While I won’t have a weekly or monthly publishing schedule, I will post new articles when I have something important to share. I’ve already been working on a website design that will make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for, or to just stop by and browse.
On Pasture will be down for just a few days at the very end of August so I can make the change. When it reappears, you’ll see the new layout and all the great information you’ve always counted on.
Another way I’ll be making it easier for you to find what you need is with ebooks – collections of On Pasture articles with all the information you need on one topic. That way you don’t have to spend all day searching for something. It will be right there at your fingertips. They’ll be similar to what you currently find here. The small download price will help me cover costs for maintaining the site.
I already have several ebooks in progress. If you have ideas of something you’d like to see, do let me know.
Tips are welcome!
The On Pasture library will stay online as long as I can cover costs and it seems helpful to graziers. If you appreciate what On Pasture does for you, let me know and help me keep it going by putting a little something in the On Pasture tip jar. Every little bit helps! (You’ll find the Tip Jar on the new website in September.)
If your annual subscription renewed in May or any time after that, you’ll have noticed that you only paid for the months up to September 5. I didn’t want you to pay the full subscription price if you weren’t going to get a full year. If you paid for an annual subscription and have time remaining after September 1st, you have choices. You can donate the remainder to the Tip Jar to help On Pasture stay online, or you can get in touch with me for other options. For those of you with monthly subscriptions, I will cancel all automatic payments as of September 1st.
Again, I appreciate your support of On Pasture as we worked together to put good grazing information out there. Thank you for being a part of the On Pasture community.
Take care. And thank you for reading!
I think I speak for many in the grazing community when I say you have had an enormous positive impact on us, our families, and our businesses through your work at OnPasture. I (we) am (are) thankful that you caught the vision for this platform. The benefits of OnPasture will live on in a new way. Enjoy your new season in life and be assured that you will be missed.
Thank you Ron. That means a lot to me!
Just yesterday I commented on a post of a Greg Judy viewer, I referred them to you, they were having issues with thistle in their pastures.
Thank you for devoting the last few years of your non-retired life bringing On Pasture to life, I know it has been a great educational resource.
Best for you and yours!
The E-Myth Grazier.
That’s the title of your next book!
Best wishes and job well done.
Funny, that one is on my list! 🙂