Join me for a fun afternoon/evening
activity On May 30 at 7:00 pm EDT.
Our May 14 article collection includes a suggestion from Dallas Mount for writing yourself a check to help you step out of the rut of thinking about your business and your life the way you always have.
Another great tool is going on a Vision Quest like this one being offered as an online workshop by Jenn Colby on May 30.
John Marble (an OP author) and I both participated in her last one, and we’re going to be at this one too because of the real, immediate difference it made for each of us.
As an example, John wanted to be able to travel more without worrying about his livestock back home. A week after the Vision Quest, he’d figured out how to partner with another local rancher to give him the time he needs. Every time we chat now he tells me something he’s doing, and then adds “Thanks to Jenn!” Then we laugh at how odd it is that such a simple thing works so well. And it’s just $25!!
“It’s like my brain sees the pictures and suddenly, without me even trying, it comes up with ways to get these things done. Again, Wow! I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it wasn’t such a rapid change, that’s for sure.”
You can read more about my experience here. Or click here to learn more about the workshop and register. I look forward to seeing you there!
Once more – Register Here!
And don’t forget to download your ebooklet.
It will really help with the process!