Saturday, February 22, 2025

John Andrae

John Andrae
Dr. Andrae has a 65% extension, 25% research and 10% teaching appointment at Clemson University. His extension program focuses on improving the management of forage crops for beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses and small ruminants. In particular he works on fescue toxicosis, grazing management, and legume incorporation into grazing systems. He's also doing research on grazing and novel endophyte management impacts on tall fescue toxicosis (impacts on both male and female reproduction recently emphasized), the impact of various forage species and effects of grain supplementation on forage-based beef production, effects of grazing high sugar ryegrass cultivars on stocker performance, and evaluation of various forage legume and grass species for use in the Southeastern US. John also teaches a senior/graduate level forage crop management course.

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