Monday, February 17, 2025

John Suscovich

John Suscovich
I live and work on a 52-acre farm in Western Connecticut. My main operation has always been pastured broilers, however, through the years I have expanded to pigs, sheep, hops, apples, herbs, and vegetables. My farm, Camps Road Farm, is one part of a three-part business that includes Kent Falls Brewing Co., a farm brewery on property, and Neversink Spirits, a craft distillery off property. Since getting into farming I have raised as few as 40 broiler chickens and as many as 2,400 broilers in one season. No matter what else I end up growing on my farm, chickens always seem to maintain a special place in my heart. They’re enjoyable to raise, my community loves them, and they are a vital part of the success of my farm. I grew up in Connecticut and went to college at the University of Connecticut as a technical theater and design major. After school, I moved to New York City where I worked for four years in scenic and lighting design, primarily in television for the Howard Stern Show. After getting tired of City life, my wife, Kate, and I decided to ride our bicycles 5,500 miles across the United States visiting farms and craft breweries along the way. After a year of purposeful homelessness, we landed back in CT to apprentice on a farm for a season and eventually start our own broiler operation. Along the way, I started Farm Marketing Solutions, my multimedia publishing company, with the goal of educating and inspiring the next generation of farmers. Drawing from my media background, I wanted to share my story with others in the hopes that more people will decide to homestead or choose farming as a career.

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