Saturday, July 27, 2024

principles - search results

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Grazing Principles at Work, Part 1 – Management Intensive Grazing in an Arid Environment

Successful grazing management grows out of an understanding of some basic principles, like how plants grow, and how soil conditions, weather, and climate alter...

Multi-Species Grazing Part 3 – Grass and Soil Management Principles

No matter what kind of stock you're grazing, these management principles apply.

Grazing Principles to Start Your Season Off Right

This 4:53 video from Ranchlands is a great example of how the principles of grass and livestock management are the same, no matter your...

The Four Principles of Soil Health Applied to Forages

  Soil Health is one of the main tools that will help sustain farms in the future. It will help us feed the world. NRCS...

Principles Toward a Productive and Healthy West

This past week, On Pasture joined the Western Landowners Alliance, Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition, Family Farm Alliance, and Partners for Conservation, along with...

Principles and Criteria For Global Sustainable Beef Production

As the Global Roundtable on Sustainable Beef circulates its draft principles and criteria, folks are asking a lot of questions. The most important one might be whether in a world used to choosing sides and then fighting, can folks actually talk to each other to find mutually beneficial solutions? Check it out and see!

Better Soils, Better Grazing, Better Climate (and Toads!!!)

This past Saturday I got to see the impact of improving soil health in our yard: Toads!! Drawn out of the ground by the...

Success and Profit – Are you getting where you hope to be?

This week's collection is was inspired by a conversation I had with a young friend who is trying to figure out how to expand...

Electric Fencing Supplies, Resources, and How-Tos for Success

This week we're talking electric fencing - the best invention so far for making grazing management easier and more profitable! As with everything if you...

It’s Okay to Change Course

Here's another presentation for Week 2 of On Pasture's Virtual Conference. I learned something three decades ago that has served me well whenever I...

Regenerative Agriculture Pioneers: Tips from the Legends

This week's article collection is a little heftier than usual. In fact, there are eight articles, all inspired by the featured video: Regenerative Agriculture...

How to Use the Most Important Tool A Grazier Has

We all have one, and oddly, it doesn't come with instructions. But when given the proper care, it can be the solution to every...

Regenerative Agriculture Pioneers: Honoring the Legends

Long before regenerative agriculture became a buzz word, and before the era of social media, four remarkable individuals forged a path less traveled in...

Five + Five Things You Can Do For Healthy Soils

On Pasture readers are always thinking about their part in creating healthy soils. To help, I shared a 5-week series on the principles of...

Get to Know Your Soils

We read a lot about soil health and how following the five soil health principles can maintain or improve soil health. But soils vary...

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