"Reading" what an animal is saying with it's movements is the best way to know how to tell it what you'd like it to do next. These examples will help you "talk" to your animals.
Stockmanship is a powerful, yet under-appreciated and under-utilized component of operating sustainable livestock operations. It requires no additional inputs, yet studies have shown that...
This is the final excerpt in this series. Authors Whit Hibbard and Dr. Lynn Locatelli conclude that investing in training for anyone handling and moving livestock is cheaper and more effective in the long run than trying to create and install expensive handling equipment that doesn't necessarily do the job.
You don't need to spend your hard earned cash on fancy facilities. Here Whit Hibbard and Dr. Lynn Locatelli continue their analysis highlighting why inexpensive, easy to use BudBoxes make more sense than high dollar facilities.
Tom has learned that if he teaches his livestock that it's safest to be in the herd, everyone's life becomes much easier and better. Here's how he trains herd behavior.
Dr. Matt Poore also contributed to this article.
The tools to improve productivity that we have at our disposal are quite astonishing. Computers that allow...
If you've done everything right up to now to raise fat cattle, be sure what you do when you're handling and transporting them doesn't undo all your hard work.