Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Get to Know Your Soils

We read a lot about soil health and how following the five soil health principles can maintain or improve soil health. But soils vary...

“Don’t Lose Your Mind!” Advice from someone who’s seen market ups and downs

I called On Pasture author John Marble on Monday morning to ask for suggestions about what On Pasture readers should know right now. I...

Surviving the Ups and Downs of Cattle Prices

Cattle prices are moving up again, so it's a good time to remember that this is just one part of the cycle, and what...

The Tyranny of Small Decisions: How U.S. Agriculture Became What It Is Today

"The tyranny of small decisions is a phenomenon in which a number of decisions, individually small and insignificant in size and time perspective, cumulatively...

Weaning, Pasture Renovations, and Fall Poisoning Watchouts

We're headed into Fall, so you're probably thinking about some new grazing activities. Some of you may be weaning about now. Here are some thoughts...

Add Sixty Years of Experience to Your Toolbox

This week we're celebrating Don Ashford's birthday. We're not going to say how old he is because you'd never guess it by looking at...

Tips for Extending Your Grazing Season

Stockpiling - or saving feed for later use - is a great way to extend your grazing season and a topic we've covered a...

A Thought for Graziers: We’re All In This Together

I have a game I play when I’m having a meal by myself. It’s called “I am grateful for…” and it involves naming and...

Two Goals Graziers Should Work Toward

A couple of years ago I was working with Don Ashford on the Grazing 101 Ebook. He shared these thoughts with me. Enjoy! Two of...

Which Kind of Grazing is Right for You?

There are so many different names for different kinds of grazing management that sometimes it gets a little confusing. So, to help you pick...

Soil quality critical to help plants weather heat stress from climate change

According to findings published in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, the soil's capacity to hold water will be critical in determining the success of...

This is NOT Your Grandmother’s Summer

If you haven't noticed already, this summer is different. Or, as one weather person put it recently, "This is not your Grandmother's summer." Floods,...

Impacts of Heat on Plants and Animals and What You Can Do

Just like people across the world, graziers are dealing with some especially difficult weather. Too much heat in most places, too much precipitation in...

Time to Talk Drought. Again. (Apologies to those in the floods in the Northeast)

Let's start with a bit of data. About 41% of the U.S. cattle inventory, 31% of hay acreage, and 33% of alfalfa hay acreage...

Timely Tips From Greg Brann

This week's email is inspired by Greg Brann and his latest issue of Timely Tips. I'm highlighting some of what he shared here and...

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