Monday, January 13, 2025
HomeConsider ThisDoes 4-H Matter Now More Than Ever?

Does 4-H Matter Now More Than Ever?

Despite the presence of large cities, Maryland has a thriving 4-H program that spans urban and rural areas alike.

A few years back, a friend from Washington D.C. visited my farm for the first time. Right off the bat, he noticed the bumper sticker on my pickup truck, a green four-leaf clover emblazoned with large, white H’s.

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Forrest Pritchard
Forrest Pritchard
Forrest Pritchard is a professional farmer and writer, holding degrees in English and Geology from the College of William and Mary. His farm Smith Meadows was one of the first “grass finished” farms in the country, and has sold at leading farmers’ markets in Washington DC for more than fifteen years. His book Gaining Ground, A Story of Farmers’ Markets, Local Food and Saving the Family Farm (Click HERE) was named a Top Read by The Washington Post and NPR. Forrest’s new book The Farmer In Your Kitchen: A Celebration Of Extraordinary Farms And Local Flavors is slated for release in Fall 2015, from the award-winning press The Experiment.


  1. Wonderful article! I was a very active and proud 4 H member in my county for 10 years and then helped to start a Collegiate group at the University of Arizona. I currently work for the University of Arizona Yavapai County Cooperative Extension as an Administrative Assistant, but prior to that I was the Program Coordinator for the 4H program. My blood runs green!

  2. Proud 10 year 4Her, married to a 10 year 4Her and parents of 2 10 year 4Hers! From the Busy Workers Club in southern Indiana

  3. Not just rural America! I grew up in Yonkers, NY, just north of the Bronx, and we created a community garden at a nearby undeveloped plot of land. My first taste of a homegrown carrot blew me and my parents away! As an adult, I have kept migrating to smaller and smaller towns, and now advocate for family farmers through the Farmers Union and live in rural western Massachusetts. I give 4-H and Girl Scouts a lot of credit for giving me skills and pointing me toward my eventual trajectory.

  4. And…the curriculum has room to advance as techniques and methods advance. Check out the Facebook page of the Loudoun County 4-H Forage Club’s project from 2015–pastured poultry. 4-H is a great organization.

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