Tuesday, July 16, 2024

grazing planning - search results

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More Ways to Keep Flies Off Your Livestock

There's more than one way to skin a cat or catch a fly. On Pasture reader Fred Forsburg was inspired to share his method...

Here’s How to Successfully Grow Grass

I took the time to walk through most of my pastures a few days ago. I recommend doing this fairly often to keep a...

For Earth Day, Do What You Do Best – Graze!

This week I ran across a video from one of On Pasture's sponsors, Organic Valley. In it, Kevin Mahalko talks about one part of...

Sharing the Bounty of Spring – Providing Food and Shelter for Wildlife, Whether We Want To or Not

This is an exciting time of year here on the ranch. The plants, the animals, and the people are all starting to recover from...

How to Get Someone Else To Prep Your Garden for Free!

It will just take a little planning ahead and the right kind of relatives.

Jumping In With Both Feet – How One Young Rancher Got Started in the 21st Century

Last month John described what successful ranching might look like in the future, and what steps young ranchers might consider. This article is another...

Is There One Right Answer?

When I was working for the Bureau of Land Management and stationed at Utah State University, a friend and I started an internship program called...

You Do Not Have to Move Cows Every Day

You do not have to move cows every day to build soil health. You don’t always have to stretch polywire to implement rotational grazing....

Managing a Landscape to Increase Water, Forage and Habitat

This is a story of the importance of private lands for providing clean water and wildlife habitat, and how the changes this ranch made enhanced habitat and increased water availability and made their livestock more productive and profitable. Thanks to Robert Hathorne of the NRCS for sharing this story. I've added ways to apply the principles this ranch uses to help you translate this to your operation, and information on how to pay for the improvements.

John Marble’s Articles

John Marble owns a small grazing and marketing operation that focuses on producing value through managed grazing. He manages cattle and goats, grasslands, timber...

Only the Learners Survive – Thoughts on How to Be One of Them

This is a quote from Eric Hoffer who was known as the longshoreman philosopher. Mr. Hoffer has been dead since 1983 but these words...

Seeking Succession vs Seeking Success

There’s a lot of talk about “succession” being tossed around in agriculture. It occurred to me that some people might not be quite sure...

Should Uncle Sam Bail Us Out of Drought?

It was a very difficult summer. We suffered through more 90-degree days than any year in history. It was just plain hot and dry,...

How to Graze Trampled Grass

If grass growth got away from you, like it did many Nebraskans this spring, you might be wondering how to graze it when the herd comes around to it again. Bruce has some ideas for you.

More Ways To Keep Flies Off Your Livestock

There's more than one way to skin a cat or catch a fly. On Pasture reader Fred Forsburg was inspired to share his method...

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