Monday, July 15, 2024

grazing chart - search results

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Thinking Strategically About Reducing Fossil Fuel Inputs in Your Grazing Operation

This months' Grazier's Focus was inspired by some very fascinating ideas from rancher Richard Moyer. Richard has been thinking about the problems associated with...

Get Your Perfect Grazing Recipe Here!

Oh dear! If you clicked on this hoping that you'd find the answer to all your problems, I'm sorry. The perfect recipe doesn't exist. Unlike baking...

Are You Making Progress on Your Grazing Plan? And on planning time off?

An On Pasture reader called this weekend. He's moved to Mexico and is living on the beach. And he's given up grazing. Now, that's one...

Grazing Season Prep Step 2 – Mapping Your Pastures and Soils

On Pasture's New Year's Resolution is to help you move into this grazing season in a way that ensures a happy, healthy life, and...

Can a 12-year-old Do This? – Grazing Management Made Easy

I have been reading Troy Bishopp's articles on how to fit grazing around your life rather than building your life around your grazing operation...

What’s a Grazing Decision Really Worth?

I remember it well: sitting on the veranda with my wife and two bottles of wine from our favorite winery, contemplating our future life...

Winter Stockpile Grazing – How Short Can You Graze Without Impacting Spring Regrowth?

The question "Does Grazing Winter Stockpile Slow Spring Regrowth?" first came up when we were following Troy Bishopp's progress as he extended his New...

Are you GRAZING or just grazing?

Making more money from your pasture is not just about soil fertility, it's about management. Darrell explains how much more weight his herd gained on a shorter sward, and how he managed the pasture to get from just grazing to GRAZING.

Stockpiling to Extend the Grazing Season

Stockpiling is a practice graziers use to reduce winter feed costs and increase profitability. It's nothing more than setting aside some of your pastures...

Inspiration for Making Good Grazing Management Decisions

Here's a flow chart that will help you see the future when you're trying to make tough decisions.

What You Do This Spring Impacts Your Whole Grazing Season

These tips from Troy were timely in 2014. They're things we probably need to be reminded about every year! Enjoy! Believe it or not, sometime...

Year-Round Grazing Paradise (or at least moving towards that)

Don’t you sometimes wish it was spring year-round? As I write this, snow is coming down towards the tail-end of February, and it feels like...

Ten Steps to Better Pastures and Grazing

As an extension educator at the county level, I read a lot of publications about the use and management of pasture and hay resources....

Does Cattle Grazing Reduce Fire Fuels and Fire Danger?

The last few fire seasons have clearly demonstrated that fires are coming more frequently and at sizes that challenge our ability to fight and/or...

Grazing for Soil Health

Thanks to the folks with NRCS's "Unlock the Secrets of Soil Health" for their part in developing this article. The abandoned cotton farm Terry and...

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