Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Multi-species Grazing – Diversification Instead of Expansion

This week, we're talking a bit about diversification, providing some examples of what it might look for different operations and how folks make the...

How a Blue Ridge Farmer Set Up His Rotational Grazing System

John Fant, Colonel, US Army (Ret), returned to southwest Virginia in 2013 to resume daily operations and management of the family farm. In this...

Here’s the Impact of Fencing and Planning on Grazing Days and Profitability

In November I shared thoughts on the economic importance of stockpiling grass. In that article, I made the case for building internal fence on...

This Ranch’s Grazing Management Improves Soil and Vegetation

The Bench Ranch has been using intensive, rotational grazing for at least 35 years and they have seen a change that includes more grass, healthy soils, and double the stocking rate the ranch used to carry. We add ideas for how you can follow in the ranch's footsteps.

How a Grazing Plan Prevented a Wreck

“The pencil is mightier than the pen,” Robert M. Pirsig, of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. “If I’d written my plan in pen,...

We’re Stockpiling Now for Winter Grazing at Green Pastures Farm

We have 70 days left until our average killing frost date. That means we're starting to stockpile now to extend our grazing season, allowing...

Multi-Species Grazing Part 3 – Grass and Soil Management Principles

No matter what kind of stock you're grazing, these management principles apply.

Grazing Principles to Start Your Season Off Right

This 4:53 video from Ranchlands is a great example of how the principles of grass and livestock management are the same, no matter your...

How My Grazing Plan Helped When Everything Went Wrong

Troy has been sharing how he extends his grazing season every year thanks to charting his management. But this fall Mother Nature threw him a big curve with rain 28 days out of 40 and a killing frost that came a month late. Here's how he made it through.

Can You Be a Grazing Soothsayer?

Back in 2014/15, Troy Bishopp took us all along on his journey to extend his grazing season. He showed the good and the bad and all the planning that went with getting to 257 grazeable days on his New York state farm. This year he's trying something different - and he's going to show us all how it goes as he does it. Check this out!

Making the Switch to Grazing – With a Little Help From Your Friends

This is the story of a dairy farmer's transition to pasture. It's an excellent example how long it takes, and the challenges along the way. It's also a great example for all graziers, no matter your livestock, of how helpful it can be to work with an Extension Agent, or someone from a local Natural Resource Conservation Service or Conservation District office. We should all be so lucky to have free help at our fingertips!

How to Write a Custom Grazing Contract

Strong, written contracts can prevent some of the Boneheaded Business Blunders I made in my early years of ranching. My previous two articles have...

Dairies Share Successes With Extending the Grazing Season

This fall we held two pasture walks to explore what strategies two different dairies use to graze late into fall months. These events were...

Grazing Height Determines the Health of Your Forages

As livestock producers, you know very well how forages will impact the growth or productivity of your animals. However, we very seldom think of...

Wait! Grazing Too Early Is Harmful to Your Pasture’s Health

You and your livestock might be itching to start grazing. Victor Shelton tells us why it's not a good idea to start too early, and what you can do in the meantime to scratch that itch without causing problems for yourself.

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