Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Strategic Grazing Plans – The Steps to Meet Your Goals

You're a lot more likely to make better and more timely grazing decisions if you have a grazing plan in place for the upcoming season. Here's how to get started.

What is a Grazing Wedge and What Do You Do With It?

With regular pasture inventories and the Grazing Wedge you don't have to guess about how much forage you have coming up in your rotation. Here's how to use this tool to become a more proactive manager.

Winter Stockpile Grazing’s Final Chapter (Or Is It?)

Troy has finished with his stockpile grazing for this season. Here he shares how many days he made it, and talks about lessons learned and the questions he's asking to help him prepare for next year.

Winter Stockpile Grazing Part 5 – The Weather Trumps Planning

Editors Note: It takes a brave person to share his successes, challenges and stresses online with all of us. That's what Troy has been doing this...

Grazing Winter Stockpile Part 4 – The Gory Details

Rain, Mud, Frozen Forage, and Snow, OH MY! Here's more on the realities of winter grazing.

Stockpile Grazing Progress Report 3 – Grazing Through Snow

Editors Note: Troy Bishopp is sharing his progress this winter as he custom grazes dairy heifers on stockpiled pasture. If you've missed the first two...

Stockpile Grazing Progress Report 1

Editors Note:  Troy Bishopp custom grazes organic dairy heifers.  He is letting us all follow along this fall and winter as they graze stockpiled feed....

Grazing Stockpiled Forage Winter Pasture Walk

Are you tired of feeding hay all winter?  Want to save money and let your herd feed themselves? Join Us at The Bishopp Family Farm...

Grazing Stockpiled Forage: When Planning Meets Reality

Stockpiling forage and grazing through the winter - great idea, right? But sometimes you don't want to be the first one to try a great, new idea. That's where The Grass Whisperer, Troy Bishopp, comes in. He's starting to graze his stockpile now and he's going to take you through the season with him. You'll get to see first hand how it works, the challenges he faces, and how he makes it work.

The Grass Whisperer’s 2013 Grazing Season

Editors Note:  Troy Bishopp has been sharing a lot of articles with On Pasture readers on the usefulness of Grazing Charts for ensuring a...

Start Your Grazing Season Off With Kindness

Being kind to your spring pastures will make all the difference this summer. Troy Bishopp describes starting times and shares the Pasture T Account for figuring pasture production and animal demand, all to help you avoid springtime wrecks.

Are You Over-Grazing: What’s in Your Plan?

These conversations between an Advisor and a couple of graziers are great for insights into what you might be getting right or wrong.

No Money in Grazing Dirt

Here's how one farmer/agency staffer perseveres in spreading the gospel of grass.

The Most Effective Pasture Rejuvenation Method Ever – and it’s FREE

Tom Krawiec and Troy Bishopp are on the same wave length - grazing charts are where it's at if you want to have healthy pastures and a successful grazing season.

The Grass Whispering Journal or WWGWD? (What Would the Grass Whisperer Do?)

Contributor Troy Bishopp has been tracking how his spring grazing has gone so far so that you can see his adaptive grazing management in progress and how he uses his grazing chart to best advantage. Troy is a great photographer, and pictures are worth a thousand words, so this story has lots of them. Click on them when you'd like to see them larger and enjoy!

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