Tuesday, July 16, 2024

grazing chart - search results

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How Many Cows/Animals Can I Raise?

Oh no. It's time for Math. I think for many of us (yes, me included) it comes as a bit of a surprise that math...

Regenerative Agriculture Pioneers: Tips from the Legends

This week's article collection is a little heftier than usual. In fact, there are eight articles, all inspired by the featured video: Regenerative Agriculture...

Five + Five Things You Can Do For Healthy Soils

On Pasture readers are always thinking about their part in creating healthy soils. To help, I shared a 5-week series on the principles of...

Rest and Recovery – Don’t Wear Out Your Pastures

As I write this, I'm thinking about the Grass Whisperer and a little rant he shared with me some years ago. It went something...

Trusted Resources

During the nine years I wrote and edited On Pasture, I learned a lot about which resources provide the best information. Here are the...

Record Keeping is a Waste of Time Unless….

Welcome to week two of our series on record keeping to get where you're going in your grazing operation. Today we meet Dave Pratt,...

Creating an Information System to Get You Where You’re Going

Something funny happened at On Pasture in April. Three OP authors all wrote articles on the same topic without checking in with me or...

Saving Money, and Protecting Soil and Forage Health During Drought and High Hay Prices

Drought and high hay prices have something in common: responding successfully means taking care of soil and forage health. Here I've collected tips and...

How To Determine Your Recovery Period: The Magic Of Thirteen

Focusing on to two basic concepts is the best way to become a successful grazier: Graze Period and Recovery Period. The Graze Period is...

How Much Forage Do I Need?

Part of planning for the grazing season is getting a good handle on how much forage you'll need for your livestock. This, along with...

How Much Forage Do I Have?

This month we're focused on planning for the upcoming grazing season. Last week, we gave you free, downloadable grazing charts along with a list...

On Pasture’s Award Winning Journalist

On Pasture probably would not exist if it weren't for Troy Bishopp. He was one of the folks in a small group of folks...

Life is Short. Where Are You Headed?

Nobody ever had to tell me life was short. Since the beginning, I’ve been living it like a house on fire getting everything I...

Helping You Get Where You’re Going

My grazing posse is tired of writing about fences - where to put them, how to set them up. They don't want to write...

Where are you, where do you want to be, and how can you get there?

In December On Pasture featured two graziers who are making changes to their grazing operations to create more time and better lives for themselves...

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