Tuesday, July 16, 2024

grazing chart - search results

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Before You Graze, Know Your Goals: What Are You Doing? Why Are You Doing It?

Last week we published the 8th annual set of grazing charts thanks to our friend Troy Bishopp, the Grass Whisperer. So it seems like...

How Many Animals Can Your Pasture Support?

Since we're talking grazing charts and planning this week, here's a critical step: figuring how many animals your land will support. We'll walk through...

A Writer’s Ripening – and answers to a conservation planning survey

Writers are a funny lot. We're driven to put thoughts down on paper and we each develop our own techniques for inviting in the muse and then working with her. Troy Bishopp is at his desk in the middle of the night - ripening, and answering questions, whether it's a conservation planning feedback survey, or the question of how he even writes at 4 am. I hope you'll enjoy seeing his process, and take a moment to think about his answers to the survey.

Build Your “Room” for Success

A year ago I listened to an interview with author David Weinberger on CBC radio. The host was asking questions about Weinberger’s book ‘Too...

How to Stockpile Grass Like a 12-Year-Old

If a 12-year-old were to set up a ranch they would probably make it simple, easy, and fun. That’s the kind of ranch I...

To Mow or Not to Mow. That is the Question.

A reader sent a comment in asking for some advice on a topic that I've heard questions about in the past. I forwarded him...

The Four “P”s to Success

In this week's issue Aaron Berger writes about the four "P"s that help us identify our competitive advantage. For each "P" we think about...

Want More Spring Forage? Leave More Winter Residual

Last fall, I hosted Victor Shelton at my farm. Victor is Indiana's NRCS Grazing Specialist, a beef farmer, and the author of “Grazing Bites,"...

You Don’t Have to Practice Yoga to Be a Flexible Grazier!

In most livestock operations, the largest expense is winter feed. As a grazier, it has been my goal to plan a grazing rotation so...

Untoward Acceleration – the Greatest Danger to Graziers

We all make grazing management mistakes. The key to improving is to acknowledge what they are, why they happened, and then what we might do differently next time. Here, Troy Bishopp shares a mistake from his grazing past, as an example of these steps to improvement.

Two Graziers With 65 Years of Experience Put Their Heads Together

Victor is in the house! A nice benefit of having the 2019 Grasstravaganza in Cobleskill, NY is that conference guest and Indiana’s seasoned grazing guy,...

The Inventory Walk

Woody Lane from Lane Livestock Services in Oregon spoke to me in his article, “Let’s Take a Walk," when he wrote, “The pasture is...

Here’s How to Successfully Grow Grass

I took the time to walk through most of my pastures a few days ago. I recommend doing this fairly often to keep a...

For Earth Day, Do What You Do Best – Graze!

This week I ran across a video from one of On Pasture's sponsors, Organic Valley. In it, Kevin Mahalko talks about one part of...

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