Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Is Your Grass Making You Money?

Once you get your grazing organized (see how to do that here), you will see a lot of benefits. You will have more grass,...

On Pasture Handouts – Free for your Workshop or Event

Do you have a workshop or event and would like to provide participants with helpful information? Here are free On Pasture handouts! Just click on...

Get Your Record Keeping Set Up Before Spring Hits

Going into the sciences, I discovered the value of writing things down - general advice being, “the more notes the better.” But, admittedly, this...

Farmers and Ranchers Growing Together in 2018

The On Pasture community is all about learning and growing together. With that in mind, we're kicking off 2018 with some articles that help...

One of Our Own Receives Award for Grassland Advocacy

On Pasture contributor Troy Bishopp, known by many as "The Grass Whisperer," received the 2017 Grassfed Exchange Service Award in honor of his more...

Special Collections

We now have almost 3,000 articles in our archive! To highlight series that have been most requested by readers, we've put together Special Collections to...

Winter Feeding Made Easy For Young Farmers

American economist and professor at the Harvard Business School, Theodore Levitt, said, “Creativity is thinking up new things; innovation is about doing new things”. ...

Untoward Acceleration

Sometimes, even when you're doing your best, things go awry. Here's an example of that from the Grass Whisperer, along with some great lessons we can all learn.

It’s Hard to Say Goodbye

After a summer of working together, Troy is sending his summer interns off into the world to do good things.

Stockpiling Tall Fescue – Start Planning Now Because You’ll Need to Be Ready in July

Spring has barely arrived, and some of you may not even have moved your animals to pasture. So why are we talking about stockpiling? Because as you're putting your grazing plan together, knowing what you have to do to extend your grazing season will help you make sure you get there.

Three Stents for Christmas

Lots of you have been concerned and asking about Troy Bishopp after his heart attack on December 3, 2013. Here's the Grass Whisperer in his own great words to let you know what happened.

Quickly Estimate Pounds of Dry Matter in Pasture

The Grass Whisperer has built up a healthy stockpile for some good winter grazing. Here he shows how he estimates what he's got to help him with his planned grazing.

Brambly Delicious

There in the thickets, along fencerows and places only deer and black flies are unafraid to tread, they maliciously darn any exposed skin when...

Calculating Paddock Size for Dairy Cattle

While this video targets dairy graziers, anyone raising livestock on pasure can benefit from spending 5 minutes with this video. You'll learn how to do the quick and easy math to figure out how big your pastures should be to meet your animals' needs, factoring in fast or slow regrowth through the grazing season.

What’s Soil pH and Why Do I Care?

Every soil test you get back tells you what your soil’s pH level is, and you’ve probably used that to figure out ways to improve your pasture’s productivity. But what exactly is pH and what is it doing to your forages?

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