Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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I’ve Got This Weed In My Pasture. What Does It Tell Me About My Soil?

You may have seen this On Pasture article before, but since this month we're focusing on weeds, I thought you'd like to see it...

How High Are Fuel Prices Now Compared to the Past?

As John Marble and I were discussing this week's Thinking Grazier, he asked me to take a look at historic fuel prices and where they...

Crack the Code on Animal Units, AUMs, and How to Use Them to Match Forage to Animal Requirements

Thanks to the Beef Cattle Research Council for this great article! Does it feel like grazing management information is shrouded in acronyms and terms that...

Is it the Cattle Causing Water Quality Problems? Bring in the Forensics Team!

When water quality tests in the Mink Creek watershed came back showing high levels of E. coli bacteria, Idaho's Department of Environmental Quality reported...

Nitrate and Prussic Acid Poisoning – It’s That Time of Year Again

Here is our annual reminder that drought and potential weather changes can cause increases of nitrates and prussic acid in some forages. This article...

Success Means Working ON the Business, Not IN the Business

Most people blame things beyond our control like the weather, government regulation, low commodity prices and increasing costs for their failure to make a...

Is Increased Production Worth the Cost of the Fertilizer?

I recently had the pleasure of hosting a pasture walk for a group of University students, young people who wanted to chat about plants,...

Baby It’s Cold Outside! Watch Out For Livestock

The Polar Vortex is headed our way, potentially bringing very cold weather. Here's what you need to know.

A Simple Spreadsheet For Figuring Forage Availability, Winter Feed Needs and More

I created this calculator for the OP community way back in 2013. The calculator is really an Xcel spreadsheet. You plug numbers into the...

Skinny Cows Make Fatter Calves

For decades, cattle producers have been told that providing enough feed to their cows and their developing heifers is critical for ensuring high pregnancy...

Tools for Deciding How to Diversify Your Operation

This week, we're talking a bit about diversification, providing some examples of what it might look for different operations and how folks make the...

How Many Acres Per Cow Do You Need?

This time of year, especially after you have shifted from grazing to fed feed such as hay or baleage, you might start wondering why...

Soil Health Principles Part 5 – Diversity is Key

In the fifth part of our series on soil health principles, Buz Kloot focuses on the benefits of diversity for improving soil health. In...

Greg Judy IDs Grasses and Legumes in His Pastures

Folks like to know what I grow in my pastures - and it's what's in a lot of your pastures too. So here's a...

Surviving Volatile Cattle Prices

When we first shared this article in October of 2016, John started with, "The cattle market is in the toilet. The future looks even...

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