Saturday, April 20, 2024

Monthly Archives: November, 2017

Patch-Burn Grazing for Forage, Wildlife Habitat, and Firesafe Grasslands

What do you get when you combine grazing and prescribed fire? According to researchers and ranchers, you get reduced danger of catastrophic wildfires, better...

Training Cattle to Follow – Part 1

Several readers have asked for instruction in teaching cattle to follow. John Marble has written a two-part article on the subject. Part one begins...

Determine Land Area and Distance With Your Smartphone

The next time you need to measure something, leave the tape measure in the toolbox and use your phone.

Beware of the Two Feet of Snow

If you haven't had snow yet, you know it's on the way. Save

I Thought I Had Those Calves Sold!

One Saturday afternoon I was in the milk room hooking up for the evening milking when I heard something drive up. I didn’t stop...

What Farming Challenges Did the Pilgrims Face?

This comes to us from Tom Sauer, USDA-ARS, and the Soils Matter Blog from the Soil Science Society of America. The Thanksgiving holiday has its...

Do You Have Enough Winter Feed and Are You Feeding the Right Animals?

I often talk about taking inventory of winter feedstuff.  I’m primarily measuring dry matter, e.g. hay, pasture, stockpile, crop residue, and grazeable annuals still...

What’s the Right Price for Prescribed Grazing? Ask the Market

Recently, On Pasture ran an excellent article by Dave Pratt aimed at helping graziers apply the right price tag to commercial prescribed grazing services....

On Pasture Receives “Radical Center Award for Outstanding Leadership”

Last week was a really great one for your On Pasture editors. First, WE MADE OUR MATCH! Thank you to everyone who contributed to help...

Here’s How Seven Sons Farm Manages Pigs On Pasture

When managing pigs on pasture, Seven Sons Farm focuses on meeting the triple bottom line of health of the land, business and community. See how they achieve these goals.

Relax! It’ll Save You AND the Farm

Give yourself permission to relax. If there were 25 hours in a day, how would you spend that extra hour? Would you cram in...

What 30 Years of Study Tell Us About Grazing and Carbon Sequestration

This is Part 3 of an ongoing series. Here is Part 1 and Part 2. In the first part in this series we told you...

What Does Proposed Tax Reform Mean for Farmers and Ranchers?

On Pasture has no position on the current tax reform legislation, nor are the editors experts in tax law, the proposed legislation, or how...

Managing Ryegrass Our Way

Don Ashford has a creative way of planting and managing his pastures so that he doesn't have to feed his stock, and he keeps his costs down. Could you do something similar with your pastures?

More Wolves = More Trees and More Pronghorn Antelope

When wolves were reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park in 1995, no one was anticipating that their arrival would improve tree growth. But it did....

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