Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Assess Alfalfa, Winter Cereal and Grass Stands for Reseeding Decisions

The snow has now receded and soils are beginning to warm enough to green up most hay fields and pastures, and it’s time to...

Cows Gain More Weight on Steamed Veggies Than Raw Veggies!

That was the conclusion of a study done in 1844 as reported in the “Book of the Farm”.  Today, many people would laugh at...

Take Stock of Your Pastures Now to Adjust Your Grazing Plan

Using his own pastures as an example, Victor shows how checking what's growing (or not) helps plan for the upcoming grazing season based on the needs of the forage.

Grazing as a Low-Input Pasture Renovation Tool

This SARE supported on-farm research project is so full of information and lessons learned that it's worth your while to read no matter what kind of livestock you raise. 

What Forages Are You Going to Add This Year? Picking Jeff’s brain!

Jeff Rasawher at Center Seeds has a lot of experience with graze-worthy cover crops. Here are some suggestions for folks in the some of our cooler climates, both wet and dry.

Winter Stockpile Grazing’s Final Chapter (Or Is It?)

Troy has finished with his stockpile grazing for this season. Here he shares how many days he made it, and talks about lessons learned and the questions he's asking to help him prepare for next year.

What You Need to Know to Get the Best Regrowth After Grazing

As you read through this, you might think "DANG! This is really complex!" And you're right it is! But that doesn't mean you can't figure it out. Think of it as one of those strategy games where you're trying to maximize your points in the face of lots of variables. If you're not good at those kinds of games, we bet you know someone who is. Just see it for the game it is, and go out and WIN!

Winter Stockpile Grazing Part 5 – The Weather Trumps Planning

Editors Note: It takes a brave person to share his successes, challenges and stresses online with all of us. That's what Troy has been doing this...

Breeding a Cow Herd to Fit Your Place

You may not choose the same breed as Steve, but the process he used to create a cow herd for his place can be adapted to fit any operation, or species.

Pasture Management: Perennial or Annual Forages?

One of the questions grazing farmers often ask are, what type of forages will grow well on their farms or, which will best suit...

Cattle and the Military Team Up to Protect Butterflies and the Prairie

This article comes to us from Washington State University. Think of it as an example of how you might work with partners to demonstrate how managed grazing can improve ecosystems and protect wildlife.

Does Pasture Reseeding Work?

It takes time and money, but the difference can boost your bottom line.

How To Feed 9 Billion People With Healthy Soil: 7 Simple Steps!

We talked with fellow soil enthusiasts Ray Archuleta and Jeff Rasawehr, and here's what they have to say.

Sneaky Pasture Weeds – Sedges and Rushes

Do you have these? Here's how to tell!

The $200 Cover Crop Bump

Jeff Rasawehr (pronounced "Raise -a- veer") farms 1500 acres in West Central Ohio, raising corn, soybeans, wheat, hay, and some beef.  His goal is to...

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