Tuesday, July 16, 2024

grazing planning - search results

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How To Determine Your Recovery Period: The Magic Of Thirteen

Focusing on to two basic concepts is the best way to become a successful grazier: Graze Period and Recovery Period. The Graze Period is...

Pray for Rain. Plan for Drought.

That's the advice from the South Dakota Grassland Coalition this grazing season. And this April 7 U.S. Drought Monitor map predicting drought for about...

Crack the Code on Animal Units, AUMs, and How to Use Them to Match Forage to Animal Requirements

Thanks to the Beef Cattle Research Council for this great article! Does it feel like grazing management information is shrouded in acronyms and terms that...

Are You Working for a Lunatic?

Since January, I've been encouraging you to think about your business, starting with a vision and goals that will help you as you plan...

How Much Forage Do I Need?

Part of planning for the grazing season is getting a good handle on how much forage you'll need for your livestock. This, along with...

Risk Management – Here’s a Tool to Make It Easier

Talking about risks means accepting that there are things we can't control, and some of us have a kind of superstition that says "If...

Winter Feeding Tips to Get You Through

Help us welcome a new author: Victor Shelton, NRCS State Agronomist and Grazing Specialist in Indiana.

Where are you, where do you want to be, and how can you get there?

In December On Pasture featured two graziers who are making changes to their grazing operations to create more time and better lives for themselves...

Changing Calving Dates? Here’s Help for Thinking About Finances, Profit and Marketing

We've all heard the advice about changing from calving in February and March to a time when the weather is nicer and the grass...


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Is it the Cattle Causing Water Quality Problems? Bring in the Forensics Team!

When water quality tests in the Mink Creek watershed came back showing high levels of E. coli bacteria, Idaho's Department of Environmental Quality reported...

Calling and Leading Cattle is More Time and Cost Efficient Than Herding

To start, I'd like to thank my neighbors Ken and Debbie for inspiring this study. Ken and Debbie raise “stock dogs.” This provides me...

How to Work With Neighbors to Graze Their Cover Crops and Crop Residue

One of the ways that graziers can extend their season is by working with neighboring crop farmers to graze their cover crops and crop...

Prepping for Winter With a Better Way to Feed

While the grasshopper is enjoying the summer, the ant is always getting ready for the winter. Typically graziers and all producers are the ants, working away to make sure livestock and their communities will have food for the whole year. Still, there's no reason that the life of an ant can't be made a little easier and more profitable. This video describes how stockpiling and then strip grazing through the winter can save you time and money while improving your pastures.

How to Write a Letter/Resume When You Want to Lease Land

If you want to start or expand your farming operation, making contact with a landowner is one of the first steps. Here are some tips about making that all important good first impression.

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