Tuesday, July 16, 2024

grazing planning - search results

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Once Bitten

Lyme disease - It's a scary thing! Here's a cautionary tale from the Grass Whisperer about his tick encounter, along with information about how ticks manage to dig themselves in, and how quickly you need to remove ticks to reduce your chances of getting diseases from them. You'll also find out if it works to trade grazing information to cover your tick health care costs.

Three Stents for Christmas

Lots of you have been concerned and asking about Troy Bishopp after his heart attack on December 3, 2013. Here's the Grass Whisperer in his own great words to let you know what happened.

The Grass Whispering Journal or WWGWD? (What Would the Grass Whisperer Do?)

Contributor Troy Bishopp has been tracking how his spring grazing has gone so far so that you can see his adaptive grazing management in progress and how he uses his grazing chart to best advantage. Troy is a great photographer, and pictures are worth a thousand words, so this story has lots of them. Click on them when you'd like to see them larger and enjoy!

It’s Not Easy Being a BLM Range Conservationist

This week, I'm sharing a story from the High country News about how federal rangelands managed by the Bureau of Land Management are not...

On Pasture Successes and Failures

I’ve been thinking a lot about failure lately, especially my own failures, thanks to the four-part series from Freakonomics, “How to Succeed at Failing.”...

Five + Five Things You Can Do For Healthy Soils

On Pasture readers are always thinking about their part in creating healthy soils. To help, I shared a 5-week series on the principles of...

Time to Talk Drought. Again. (Apologies to those in the floods in the Northeast)

Let's start with a bit of data. About 41% of the U.S. cattle inventory, 31% of hay acreage, and 33% of alfalfa hay acreage...

Rest and Recovery – Don’t Wear Out Your Pastures

As I write this, I'm thinking about the Grass Whisperer and a little rant he shared with me some years ago. It went something...

Thinking Outside the Box

Consider This - it's the On Pasture category where you'll find articles that are a little out of the ordinary for a grazing publication....

How to Think Through and Solve Problems

The two people you'll meet in this video are some of the brightest, most creative people I've ever worked with. They're also successfully developing...

Forage Quality is Declining and Grasshoppers and Livestock Aren’t Happy

Something strange is happening to grasshoppers at the Konza Long-Term Ecological Research site in Kansas - they're disappearing a little at a time. For...

For More Forage, Improved Soil and a Better Future Just Spread Compost

Earlier this summer I wrote about adapting to new climate normals and what warmer temperatures, longer droughts and more extreme weather events mean for...

What in Tar(weed)nation?! Part 2 – The Nature of Your Weedy Enemies and the Nature of Nature

Last week, I wrote about how tarweed showed up on my ranch a few years back, and how the management that had worked so...

Some Advice for Beginning Graziers

I was talking with a friend last night about our experiences with beginning farmers and ranchers, some of the things they do, and the...

Record Keeping is a Waste of Time Unless….

Welcome to week two of our series on record keeping to get where you're going in your grazing operation. Today we meet Dave Pratt,...

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