Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Taste Bud

There are occasions within agriculture where you get to try new things. You may be thinking that I got to run some new piece...

What Do You Do When Your Grass Gets Ahead of You?

I’ve got too much grass. Did the grass whisperer just say that? Is there any such thing as too much soil-covering grass? Let me rephrase....

A New Crop of Potatoes

Now that potatoes are deemed healthy, here's a variety we might want to raise.

Smart Cows

Some folks think cows don't learn. Looks like the joke's on them! These cows pump their own water, open gates and doors, paint, play ball...

How to Reduce Stress on the Farm and Ranch

It's as easy as checking out On Pasture's newest Underwriter!

Are You Okay?

Mental illness is scary because it strikes at the very heart of who we think we are. When our bodies fail us, it's a...

Tearable Puns

I think that most puns are terrible.  These are are tearable too. (Click to see it full size.)

Do You See Me?

Members of the Natal tribes of South African greet one another by saying “Sawa bona”, which literally means: “I see you.” The response is “Sikhona” which means: “I am...

When Shepherds Have a Sense of Humor

Or maybe these folks just had extra time on their hands and not a lot of need for the wool?

The War On Farmers Markets

Well, maybe it's not such dumb idea!

How to Remember Your Password

Lately we've had some trouble remembering our passwords.  Here's a possible solution….

How to Start a Movement

We're turning two! To celebrate, all month long we're sharing the On Pasture backstory, describing how we got to here, what we think is important about our work, and how we hope to contribute to our Community.

True Facts About the Dung Beetle

Dung beetles are AMAZING and here are two videos that give you really good information and perspectives on how they work and all the things they can do for you. Consider it your February celebration of the International Year of Soils.

Where Are We Headed?

Victor ponders the changes in the beef industry since the 1930s and '40s and considers where we might be going next. Can increasing our productivity on pasture also give us more time to relax?

How Much Should You Pay to Lease Pasture?

The most difficult part of pasture leasing may be figuring out a rate that works for both parties. We can't make it a breeze, but with this series of articles, we'll give you some tools so you'll have an idea where to start.

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