Tuesday, July 16, 2024

electric fence - search results

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Greg Judy Talks Electric Fencing and Gates for Sheep and Cattle

While Greg designed these fences to keep goats, sheep and guardian dogs in, they work for his cattle too. See what he's using and consider how you'd adapt it to your operation.

Improving the Power and Reliability of the Charge for Your Solar Powered Fencer

Dean Schneider of Bell Rule Genetics wasn't satisfied with the typical all-in-one solar charged fencers he'd used. He'd tried a variety of brands and...

How To Anchor Temporary Fences

Editors' Note: Awhile back Jim wrote an article on why he prefers managing his cattle with electric fencing. One of his reasons was that...

Why Bother With Fences and Management-intensive Grazing?

Fencing is a big part of Management-intensive grazing. And that's one of the reasons many of us avoid it. But here Jim explains why it really isn't that bad, and could make you happier too.

Is Your Multi-Wire Fence Too Much For Your Charger?

I've been asked a handful of times, "Is my multi wire set up too much stress for my fence charger?" Some manufactures rate their chargers...

Is a Fault-Finding Fence Tester Worth the Money?

Have you asked yourself "Should I get a  regular digital fence tester or the fault finding type? Is the fault finding ability a gimmick or is it worth the extra money?" The answer is yes, you should buy one, and if you do, here's how to use it.

Inexpensive Electric Fencing Solutions – Courtesy of Nicaragua

If you can't buy fencing supplies, maybe you can make do with what's laying around the farm. Maybe some of these solutions will get you to thinking about your own fencing supplies.

17 Mistakes to Avoid With Electric Fencing

Wayne wrote this article back in 1998, and even though some of the technology has changed, the mistakes we make haven't. While this is geared toward high tensile fences, most of the tips will serve you just as well for your temporary, polywire fences.

What Does It Cost to Run a Fence Charger?

Fence chargers only cost us pennies per day, folks tell us. Now here's how you can figure how many pennies at your place.

Fixing Seasonal Electric Fencing Problems

A season of managed grazing can be hard on your fences and changes in vegetation and soil moisture take their toll. Here are some suggestions for figuring out what's wrong and fixing it.

Fenceless Grazing

If Dean Anderson of the USDA ARS Jornada Experimental Range has his way, cows will wear these little "hats" that tell them where to go and we won't have to build fences anymore!

Great Fence: Electrified High-Tensile Woven Wire

Rebekah Perry sent us this piece on her experience with electric fencing. We'd love to hear from you about your own experience as well!

Regenerative Agriculture Pioneers: Tips from the Legends

This week's article collection is a little heftier than usual. In fact, there are eight articles, all inspired by the featured video: Regenerative Agriculture...

Which Kind of Grazing is Right for You?

There are so many different names for different kinds of grazing management that sometimes it gets a little confusing. So, to help you pick...

Planning for Spring Grazing

The Spring Equinox is just three weeks away, but according to the USA National Phenology Network, actual green up may be arriving early in...

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