Friday, May 3, 2024

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Saving Money, and Protecting Soil and Forage Health During Drought and High Hay Prices

Drought and high hay prices have something in common: responding successfully means taking care of soil and forage health. Here I've collected tips and...

Crack the Code on Animal Units, AUMs, and How to Use Them to Match Forage to Animal Requirements

Thanks to the Beef Cattle Research Council for this great article! Does it feel like grazing management information is shrouded in acronyms and terms that...

Get Your Perfect Grazing Recipe Here!

Oh dear! If you clicked on this hoping that you'd find the answer to all your problems, I'm sorry. The perfect recipe doesn't exist. Unlike baking...

A Walk Through of How to Use Your Grazing Chart

Have you downloaded your grazing chart? Have you started looking at the list of questions that will help you get your planning underway? Do...

How Much Forage Do I Need?

Part of planning for the grazing season is getting a good handle on how much forage you'll need for your livestock. This, along with...

Get Your Grazing Chart, Make a Plan, and Get a Life!

On Pasture's New Year's Resolution is to help you develop a grazing business based on a vision and goals that ensure a happy, healthy...

Caring for Young Animals in Trouble – Resuscitation and Tube Feeding

While these videos and information focus on care of newborn calves, it's helpful no matter what livestock you're raising. As an example, the old...

Alfalfa or Clover? Adding Quality Forage to Your Pasture

Reader Question: Is it possible to overseed alfalfa into existing permanent pasture? We have clover that is coming in but alfalfa greens up faster in...

Where are you, where do you want to be, and how can you get there?

In December On Pasture featured two graziers who are making changes to their grazing operations to create more time and better lives for themselves...

What’s a Grazing Decision Really Worth?

I remember it well: sitting on the veranda with my wife and two bottles of wine from our favorite winery, contemplating our future life...

How to Raise Pigs on Pasture

Forrest Pritchard has been through several versions of raising pigs on pasture. Here he shares versions 1.0 - 3.0 with the benefits and drawbacks he found along the way.

Winter Stockpile Grazing – How Short Can You Graze Without Impacting Spring Regrowth?

The question "Does Grazing Winter Stockpile Slow Spring Regrowth?" first came up when we were following Troy Bishopp's progress as he extended his New...

Are you GRAZING or just grazing?

Making more money from your pasture is not just about soil fertility, it's about management. Darrell explains how much more weight his herd gained on a shorter sward, and how he managed the pasture to get from just grazing to GRAZING.

Using Grazing Principles to Solve Overgrazing Impacts

First, you know that new version of the website I promised you this week? Well - technology happened and so there's going to be...

Good Grazing and Soil Health Protection When There’s Too Much Rain

It was just a few weeks back that many of us were concerned about how dry it was getting…and then suddenly some of these...

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