Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Have You Ever Wished for a Mentor?

Back in the '90s, when I was running my research project on how to use goats to build firebreaks to protect homes and people,...

Looking Back, Looking Forward – Lessons from a Lifetime as a Grazier

Lately I’ve found myself looking back, back to the early days of my ranching career. Clearly, I had no idea what I was getting...

Is Kathy a Kook and Other FAQs About Teaching Livestock to Eat Weeds

In 2004, I developed a simple method that anyone can use to train livestock to eat weeds. In this month's Grazier's Focus I tell...

A Shepherd’s Journey – The Beginning

Let me introduce myself. I am Jeremia Markway, a rancher from central Missouri. I know… when most people think of ranching, they think of vast...

A Part-Timer and Proud of It!

Thanks to Curt Gesch for this piece reminding us that we don't have to be full-time farmers/ranchers to be considered critical to our communities....

Bale Grazing Advice From Ranchers to Save Money, Improve Soil and Forage, and Have a Better Life

Why bale graze? To save money. One of the ranchers interviewed here says it costs him 14¢ per head per day to haul hay...

Egg Production: What You Need to Do and Charge to Make It Pay

I adore eggs, the way they look with their different shades of white, off-white, tan, brown, green, and blue, their smooth shell, their sensual...

Carrot or Stick – What’s the Best Way to Get Your Livestock to Do Something?

The other day I was talking to a friend who was trying to figure out how to get her kid to quit yelling in...

What to Consider When Developing Winter Cow Care Agreements

Thanks for this article go to Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator, Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist, and J. David Aiken, Extension...

How to Work With Neighbors to Graze Their Cover Crops and Crop Residue

One of the ways that graziers can extend their season is by working with neighboring crop farmers to graze their cover crops and crop...

Turning Out the Bulls – Later

Thanks to Kris Miner, South Dakota Grassland Coalition for sending on this reminder! With the traditional bull turnout date for most producers coming in the...

Fencing Solutions You’ll Like

From June of 2016, an article that's always timely. It's that time of year when you're putting up fence, taking it down and wondering if...

How to Be a Creative Problem Solver

It seems that being a grazier means that you have some kind of problem to solve every day. I know plenty of you rely...

Are You Suffering From “Things-Farmers-Never-Tell You?”

The first time I set up the does in my goat research project to be bred, people kept asking, "How will you know they're...

Modern Methods of Getting Uniform Use of Rangeland – Part 1

In the paper he presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Range Management, in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1953, Robert...

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