Thursday, February 6, 2025

bale grazing - search results

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This Ranch’s Grazing Management Improves Soil and Vegetation

The Bench Ranch has been using intensive, rotational grazing for at least 35 years and they have seen a change that includes more grass, healthy soils, and double the stocking rate the ranch used to carry. We add ideas for how you can follow in the ranch's footsteps.

How a Grazing Plan Prevented a Wreck

“The pencil is mightier than the pen,” Robert M. Pirsig, of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. “If I’d written my plan in pen,...

How to Manage Wet Winter Grazing

I walked across some pastures on the last day of November and shook my head as water splashed up from my gum boots and...

Fall Grazing Management to Benefit Your Forages

One of the greatest temptations in the fall is to “open the gates” and “let the livestock have the run of the pasture”. In...

Twelve Steps to Amazing Grazing – Part 1

This article comes to us from Matt Poore and Johnny Rogers. Amazing Grazing, in addition to being something we all aspire to, is...

Grazing Management Using Cow Pie GIS

GIS is an abbreviation for Geographic Information Systems. In practical terms GIS is the application of the science of location and all things related....

Our Move to Year-Round Grazing

Dean Schneider, a rancher in Oklahoma, is moving to year round grazing after decades of making and feeding hay. Here's how he's managing the change.

Pugging Prevention For Wet Winter Grazing

Last week Troy Bishopp described how he met the challenge of grazing with wet weather and late freezing temperatures. (Of course the best prevention...

How My Grazing Plan Helped When Everything Went Wrong

Troy has been sharing how he extends his grazing season every year thanks to charting his management. But this fall Mother Nature threw him a big curve with rain 28 days out of 40 and a killing frost that came a month late. Here's how he made it through.

Good Grazing Management Brings an Ecosystem Back to Life

"This is so much more than just stewardship of the land. It's about modeling the behaviors that we all should have, whether we're a...

Winter Stockpile Grazing Tips

I’m not really sure where this year went. At least for me, it seems like it should still be October, but the weather outside...

Phipps Livestock Uses Grazing to Solve Soil Health, Erosion and Weed Problems

Thanks to the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Montana for this article and video. Bryan and Chelsea Phipps are using their cattle as tools...

Custom Grazing: Why I Got Out

After five start-up years as a custom grazier, Meg decided to make some changes. Here she talks about why and what her new set up is.

Managing Risk in Winter Grazing Systems

These articles are all based on a series of videos put together by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry along with many partners. Grant Lastiwka, Forage...

Lessons Learned From a Year of Grazing Management

This is a good time of year for reflecting on what went well and what you might like to do differently next year. Though...

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