Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Cover crop - search results

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Foiled Again!

If you raise crops followed by cover crops for grazing livestock, or if you're considering turning cropland into pastureland, this is important information for you! Don't let the wrong herbicide keep you from grazing!

What Forages Are You Going to Add This Year? Picking Jeff’s brain!

Jeff Rasawher at Center Seeds has a lot of experience with graze-worthy cover crops. Here are some suggestions for folks in the some of our cooler climates, both wet and dry.

The Coming Revolution

What will cover crops do for us? Here are some thoughts from Chip Hines

Radishes to Garnish Salads…or Pastures

Forage radishes are a great cover crop for soybeans and corn where they increase soil nitrogen and improve water retention. They could help pastures too. Here’s what some Vermont dairy farmers found.

Heading Back to Pasture – Tips from Victor Shelton

Your timing for heading back to pasture is different depending on where you live. In Oregon, John Marble already has "run-away" grass and is...

Planning for Next Year

Last week I got a press release from the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition. Written by Stan Wise, it has some great suggestions for...

Winter Feed Options

For some of you, stockpiled grass and hay aren't the only options for winter grazing. If you graze in corn country, corn stalk grazing...

A Primer on Carbon Sequestration

There's a lot of information out there right now about soil carbon sequestration and what farmers and ranchers can do to sequester more carbon...

Creating A Successful Family Farm/Ranch – What I’ve Learned

As On Pasture begins to head off into the sunset, I wanted to be sure to leave you with some of the most important...

Managing for All Five Soil Health Principles

Even if you don't have the same kind of operation the Neuharth's have, I think you'll enjoy their story. Their farm is an example...

A Shepherd’s Journey – The Beginning

Let me introduce myself. I am Jeremia Markway, a rancher from central Missouri. I know… when most people think of ranching, they think of vast...

How to Write a Letter/Resume When You Want to Lease Land

If you want to start or expand your farming operation, making contact with a landowner is one of the first steps. Here are some tips about making that all important good first impression.

Time to Start Prepping Your Pastures for Fall

My dear Mother always said that the older you get, the faster time goes, she was right. I really don’t know what happened to...

Providing Good Forage for Calving Season and Year Round Grazing

It's always helpful to hear from fellow graziers about why they do what they do, especially when it comes to discussions of why and...

Stockpiling to Extend the Grazing Season

Stockpiling is a practice graziers use to reduce winter feed costs and increase profitability. It's nothing more than setting aside some of your pastures...

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