Sunday, September 1, 2024

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Are You What’s Holding Your Grazing Business Back?

Note from Kathy: Welcome to On Pasture's Bonus week! Most months have four weeks. But on those special months with five weeks, On Pasture...

A Walk Through of How to Use Your Grazing Chart

Have you downloaded your grazing chart? Have you started looking at the list of questions that will help you get your planning underway? Do...

Your Recipe for Success: Answer These Questions

There isn’t one single recipe for a profitable ranch. Not every profitable ranch calves in May and June. Not every profitable ranch has sold...

A Few of My Favorite Articles – Ideas for What to Read Next

With almost 3,000 articles in the On Pasture archives, choosing favorites is really impossible. But, since On Pasture will be on break next week...

Barn Raisings Show Us Our Best Selves

Little did I know the tradition of raising a “one-day” dairy barn is what I needed right now, as it speaks to that beautiful...


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Tips for Training Livestock to Come When Called (and do other helpful things)

In last week's issue, John Marble showed us the numbers that demonstrate calling and leading livestock is more efficient and cost effective than herding....

Selling Cattle in September Increases Profit Potential

Researchers discovered that sending cattle to feedlots earlier than the traditional timing of October may provide a two- fold benefit.

How to Work With Neighbors to Graze Their Cover Crops and Crop Residue

One of the ways that graziers can extend their season is by working with neighboring crop farmers to graze their cover crops and crop...

Setting up a Paddock/Pasture System That’s Just Right For You

This week in The Thinking Grazier, we take a look at one of the most commonly asked questions: "How should I set up my...

The Thinking Grazier – Tools for Expanding Your Brain

This week I’m introducing a new column. “The Thinking Grazier” goes beyond the hows and how-tos of grazing to focus on developing our skills...

What You Need to Know to Be a Successful Grazier – No Matter the Weather

This morning I got a call from Don Ashford, my adopted Louisiana Dad. Naturally, our conversation started with the weather. He told me they...

Flerds: Sheep and Cattle Grazing Together for Predator Protection and Pasture Management

Multi-species grazing isn't just about diversifying your operation and making good use of your pastures. It can also be a way to protect small ruminants from predation!

What’s the Impact of Grazing Without Recovery Periods?

This is a little inspiration for thinking about your grazing management and what your goals are.  In this two minute, time lapse video you'll see...

Harvesting Free Sunlight Successfully Requires This One Thing

Free for the taking. Free lunch. Absolutely no cost. Something for nothing. Don’t you love it when you can get something for free? Input costs...

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