Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Getting Stuff for (Almost) Free With Non-Traditional Farm Business Ideas – Part 2

Here's Part 2 of Meg's series on non-traditional ways to make a farming/ranching operation successful. Today, she's talking about (almost) free land.

Winter Feeding Made Easy For Young Farmers

American economist and professor at the Harvard Business School, Theodore Levitt, said, “Creativity is thinking up new things; innovation is about doing new things”. ...

Living Barns

Brett didn't have the $100K to make upgrades to his operation for nutrient management, let alone the $30K for a new barn to winter his cattle. The solution? A change in management that prevents runoff from his winter feeding AND provides his herd with shelter free of charge.

October Reads

Safety First! Fall frosts can alter forage chemistry in dangerous ways. Here's what to watch out for. https://onpasture.com/2021/09/13/nitrate-and-prussic-acid-poisoning-its-that-time-of-year-again/ Do you have the forage you need? Victor Shelton helps...

How to Make Lambing, Kidding and Calving Happen During Daylight Hours

Our March article on calving on grass talked about the monetary, health and stress reduction benefits of ranchers discovered. Here's another way to improve...

A Part-Timer and Proud of It!

Thanks to Curt Gesch for this piece reminding us that we don't have to be full-time farmers/ranchers to be considered critical to our communities....

Tips for Adding Soil Fertility While Weathering High Fertilizer Prices

One of the bigger challenges for this season is going to be fertilizer costs. If you have “stockpiled” some soil fertility in your pastures...

Where are you, where do you want to be, and how can you get there?

In December On Pasture featured two graziers who are making changes to their grazing operations to create more time and better lives for themselves...

Leading Instead of Herding – Why and How to Teach Your Livestock to Follow

Last month in The Thinking Grazier, John Marble got us thinking about our relationship with our animals and how behavior (theirs and ours), along...

Nitrate and Prussic Acid Poisoning – It’s That Time of Year Again

Here is our annual reminder that drought and potential weather changes can cause increases of nitrates and prussic acid in some forages. This article...

Protecting Pastures From Armyworms and Some Reminders for Your Fall “To Do” List

It has been another odd year with the weather. Some areas that were extremely dry early in the year are now enjoying abundant forages...

Prepping for Winter With a Better Way to Feed

While the grasshopper is enjoying the summer, the ant is always getting ready for the winter. Typically graziers and all producers are the ants, working away to make sure livestock and their communities will have food for the whole year. Still, there's no reason that the life of an ant can't be made a little easier and more profitable. This video describes how stockpiling and then strip grazing through the winter can save you time and money while improving your pastures.

How to Write a Letter/Resume When You Want to Lease Land

If you want to start or expand your farming operation, making contact with a landowner is one of the first steps. Here are some tips about making that all important good first impression.

Time to Start Prepping Your Pastures for Fall

My dear Mother always said that the older you get, the faster time goes, she was right. I really don’t know what happened to...

How to Manage for What’s Happening in Pastures Now

This is great info for those folks on irrigated pasture or those in areas of decent precipitation. For those of you working in the arid west and parts of Texas, see if this gives you ideas for how to manage your drier forages.

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