Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Bale Grazing Advice From Ranchers to Save Money, Improve Soil and Forage, and Have a Better Life

Why bale graze? To save money. One of the ranchers interviewed here says it costs him 14¢ per head per day to haul hay...

Right-Sizing Your Grazing Operation – What Works Best?

John Marble and Troy Bishopp have something in common with many On Pasture readers. They expanded their grazing operations by renting pastures and grazing...

Life is Short. Where Are You Headed?

Nobody ever had to tell me life was short. Since the beginning, I’ve been living it like a house on fire getting everything I...

The Amazing Power of Compost to Increase Forage and Carbon Sequestration

What if you knew that doubling your forage and increasing long-term carbon sequestration was as simple as spreading a thin layer of compost on...


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Are You Ready For Winter? Here’s How Much Feed You’ll Need and How to Serve It Up

Here in Indiana, the rains are finally replenishing reserves in most areas. Though a bit late for some things, it is still a boost...

Tips for Training Livestock to Come When Called (and do other helpful things)

In last week's issue, John Marble showed us the numbers that demonstrate calling and leading livestock is more efficient and cost effective than herding....

Calling and Leading Livestock Over Long Distances – It’s Easy!

This week, John Marble is sharing his study comparing the efficiency of leading livestock vs. calling and leading them. Calling and leading came out...

How to Write a Letter/Resume When You Want to Lease Land

If you want to start or expand your farming operation, making contact with a landowner is one of the first steps. Here are some tips about making that all important good first impression.

Good Grazing and Soil Health Protection When There’s Too Much Rain

It was just a few weeks back that many of us were concerned about how dry it was getting…and then suddenly some of these...

Stress Spreads: What’s Pee Got To Do With It?

You may have noticed that when a few animals get stressed, others do too, or that a normally calm group of animals just isn't the same when you add a Nervous Nelly. Here's what could be going on.

One Grazier’s Experience With Ultra-High Stock Density Grazing

Increasing the density of animals on a piece of pasture changes grazing behavior, and is one tool graziers can use to meet certain vegetation...

Management By Principle

For the past 8 years I've published 5 to 6 "How-To" articles a week. Because readers live everywhere across the United States, and the...

Pasture Management for Nutrients and Preventing Parasite Problems in Small Ruminants

Thanks to Kim Cassida for this great piece. Here she focuses on practices for small ruminants, but the principles work for cattle as well. A...

Spring is Sprung – Grazing for Best Results, Avoiding Toxic Plants and Preventing Grass Tetany

Yes, it’s getting to be that time of year — new spring green growth! The cows start complaining about eating hay and bellowing when...

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