Tuesday, July 16, 2024

cows eat weeds - search results

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Have You Discovered the Benefits of Canada Thistle?

I have a different feeling about weeds than most people. That's because I've turned them into forage. Read on for the benefits of one...

Setting Graziers Up For Success

Every time you visit On Pasture, you see our tagline, "Translating research and experience into practices you can use NOW!" I thought it was...

Ten Steps to Better Pastures and Grazing

As an extension educator at the county level, I read a lot of publications about the use and management of pasture and hay resources....

Remembering Chip Hines

I recently learned that Arlen Chip Hines passed away last fall after a battle with Parkinson's disease. And while this comes some months late,...

Practical Advice For Growing a Parasite Resistant Herd

Some time back, I wrote about grazing management to reduce parasites, and in particular liver flukes. These modest management changes appears to be a...

As Little as One Week’s Work a Year Can Significantly Improve Riparian Health

Riparian areas are those narrow strips of vegetation that surround creeks, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. They're very productive areas, and important wildlife habitat....

Does Cattle Grazing Reduce Fire Fuels and Fire Danger?

The last few fire seasons have clearly demonstrated that fires are coming more frequently and at sizes that challenge our ability to fight and/or...

Thoughts and Lessons From Decades of Farming

I met Don and Betty Ashford in September of 2014 when I went to Louisiana to talk about how to train cows to eat...

Helping Animals Get the Most From Your Pastures

In general, the more livestock eat, the more weight they gain or milk they produce. Thus, forage intake is key to animal performance. Agronomists...

Want to Know How to Get the Most From Your Pastures? Ask a Dairy Grazier

When Oregon dairy farmer Jon Bansen decided Double J Jerseys was going all grass fed in 2017, he faced a challenge. Milk production requires...

Help Your Animals Adjust to a New Location by Feeding Familiar Foods

  One of the challenges your livestock face on a daily basis is picking out something safe to eat without the benefit of food safety...

Teaching Cattle to Graze Through Snow

We've covered some of this information in other articles, but I thought it would be helpful to gather it in one spot for you so you can begin to plan your winter management.

Answers to the Most Commonly Asked Grazing Questions

Victor Shelton is the NRCS Grazing Specialist and Agronomist for the state of Indiana. He has been writing "Grazing Bites" since 2008 and this...

Field Bindweed – A Nutritious, Overlooked Forage

It's high in protein - capable of adding 2.2 pounds of gain per day - and spreads 10 to 18 feet a season, AND cows love it. You should too!

A Start-Up Grazier Shares Lessons Learned

Welcome new On Pasture author Chad Fisher! This is a first in what will become a longer series describing challenges, solutions, resources and ideas...

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