Tuesday, July 16, 2024

electric fence - search results

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A Maasai Boy Invents a Way to Protect His Cattle From Lions

Worried about predators? Wolves, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, and bears can all cause problems for livestock producers. But what would you do if the problem was lions? Here's how one young man solved the problem by looking at it from a different perspective.

Fencing for Goats

Yes, this title is a joke since keeping a goat in a fence can be almost impossible. Just the same, here's a primer on fencing goats, and some pointers for keeping a goat inside one.

Cattle Can Improve Sagebrush Habitat With a Little Training

Many areas in the Western United States are dominated by sagebrush. The increase in sagebrush density over the past century is generally attributed to:...

Grazing Hacks for Feeding Mineral, Blocking Water Gaps and Solar Charger Stands

Solutions for moving your mineral tubs (while spreading manure), and creating a fence for your water gap, as well as a stand for your solar charger.

Soil Carbon Cowboys

Would you like a short visit to summer in the middle of winter? Would you like to meet soil ranchers Allen Williams, Gabe Brown and Neil...

Grazing Sequentially vs. Pasture Skipping

You can make better use of your forage by grazing it when it's ready instead of going from pasture to pasture in a line.

Day Range Pastured Poultry – An Alternative to Chicken Tractors

Lots of producers use chicken tractors.  The concept was popularized by Joel Salatin and the structure size and shape has been modified by many...

Farm Hack – Inexpensive, Innovative Tools By and For Farmers

Farmers have always created new tools or repaired old ones using whatever was available. Now, there's a place where you can share your solutions, as well as finding ones you may not have thought of.

Life Without Livestock

As part of my preparations for our move to Tucson, this past weekend I gave up my goats. A couple that raises beef cows nearby...

The Most Valuable Tool On My Farm — Livestock Guardian Dogs

  While I have been quite handy with a shotgun complete with MagLite duct taped to the barrel, dashing after has sent the poultry...

Just add compost: How to turn your grassland ranch into a carbon sink

Here's the scoop. John Wick and his wife Peggy Rathmann, the owners of Nicasio Native Grass Ranch, and the folks behind this study, are Kathy's good friends. She met them when they invited her to California to teach their cattle to eat weeds and she's so excited about the work they're doing to make the world a better place!

The Real Cost of Raising Meat Chickens – Year 1

It seems so easy: 1) buy chicks, 2) feed chicks, 3) harvest and package, 4) EAT. So backyard farmers decide they can do it too, and avoid the high price of Farmers Markets or Whole Foods. They could spend their spare time becoming "self-sufficient!" But here's how much that can cost, when done by a couple of home producers. Share this with folks who think you charge too much!

Pastured Poultry in Bear Country – An Optimist’s Cautionary Tale

I live right on the edge of town where the foothills turn quickly into mountains.  So even though I don’t feel like we live...

Evaluating a Potential Pasture Lease, Part 2

After you have examined the business conditions that surround a potential pasture lease, it’s time to evaluate the grazing characteristics. You must consider both...

When Disaster Strikes

In January, I wrote about an ice storm that OP author John Marble was dealing with and how, having planned ahead for emergencies like...

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