Saturday, July 27, 2024

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To Plant Or Not To Plant My Ryegrass

Even if you're not a candidate for planting ryegrass, you'll want to check out the principles of grazing management that Don describes in this piece about working with your local climate, understanding forages, and making grazing pay.

Managing a Landscape to Increase Water, Forage and Habitat

This is a story of the importance of private lands for providing clean water and wildlife habitat, and how the changes this ranch made enhanced habitat and increased water availability and made their livestock more productive and profitable. Thanks to Robert Hathorne of the NRCS for sharing this story. I've added ways to apply the principles this ranch uses to help you translate this to your operation, and information on how to pay for the improvements.

Only the Learners Survive – Thoughts on How to Be One of Them

This is a quote from Eric Hoffer who was known as the longshoreman philosopher. Mr. Hoffer has been dead since 1983 but these words...

Wahl Family Farm Part 3 – What’s the Pay Off For Changes in Grazing Management

This is the third in a series about the grazing management changes the Wahl family has made and how it has improved soil health...

The Wahl Family’s Mobile Flock – Part 2 of Managing for Healthier, More Productive Animals and a Better Bottom Line

This is the second in a series about the grazing management changes the Wahl family has made and how it has improved soil health...

How the Wahl Family Manages for Healthier, More Productive Animals and a Better Bottom Line

This is the first in a series about the grazing management changes the Wahl family has made and how it has improved soil health...

Improve Your Stockmanship by Understanding the Flight Zone

We've all seen those diagrams of the flight zone. But sometimes seeing a group of animals demonstrate how it works is a lot more...

Here’s My New Favorite Book on Farming

There is no set recipe for success in farming and ranching. What works for one person isn't guaranteed to work for another. And even...

Electric Fence Experiment Has Expected Ending

We all know what's going to happen. Even so, it's funny to watch these folks demonstrate how electric fencing, insulation, and grounding works with...

Managing for Margins Makes the Difference Every Time

With six decades of farming experience, Don Ashford has a lot of data to draw on. Here's a lesson he's learned that can help all of us look at our farming operations and decide what we can control and how we want to farm or ranch.

Here’s What Reducing Pasture Recovery Periods Can Cost You

We all know that giving our pastures enough time to recover before grazing them again is critical to our success. But what may be...

Bury Your Briefs: Discover the Keys to Soil Health “Tighty Whitey” Style

Thanks to Kara Pugsley and the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition for sharing this article with us! South Dakota farmers are planting something new to...

Create Another “Acre” of Pasture By Managing the Grass You’ve Got

This piece is drawn from a presentation Jim Gerrish did in 2015 sponsored by the Iowa Beef Center. We've embedded the 15:20 video of...

One of Our Own Receives Award for Grassland Advocacy

On Pasture contributor Troy Bishopp, known by many as "The Grass Whisperer," received the 2017 Grassfed Exchange Service Award in honor of his more...

What Makes a Good Pasture Walk?

We have a grazing group that meets several times a year. I guess it could be called graziers anonymous or some such thing. But...

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