Monday, April 15, 2024

Monthly Archives: February, 2016

Mob-Grazing on Large Landscapes – What You Might Expect

Jay and Krista Reiser were considering taking over a 2700 acre North Dakota ranch they knew they were facing some problems. First, their financial...

A Prussian General Knows You Need a Plan

Aren't you tired of everyone telling you you should have a plan for your farm or ranch operation? Well, Chris Blanchard has a great take on why we all need plans.

How to Prepare Your Animals to Work With You

As Temple Grandin notes, “Every time you are working your animals you are training them. You can train them to be easy to handle . . . or you can train them to be difficult.” Here's how to get the results you want.

Is It Residual or Is It Residue?

"Residue" and "Residual" may sound similar, but they provide very different services for your pasture's health. Jim explains the difference with tips for what you should be paying attention to.

Valentine Tips From a Romantic Bull

Valentine's Day is this coming Sunday. If you're the crafty sort, you could make this for your own Valentine.

“Working” Animals Makes Your Job Easier

There's "Working Horses" and "Working Dogs" and they all got good at their jobs because of the training or "work" that we did with them. Well, "working" with your cattle or other herdable stock can get you the same great results.

What is Your Plan B?

All of us try to have some kind of plan that will make some sense of what we are doing. There are discussions of...

Try It Before You Buy It – Is That New Practice Worth the Investment?

Here's how to do a little reading, or a small pilot project to find out if you should spend your money.

The Best Advice for a Small Grain Forage Stand After a Balmy Start to Winter? Leave it Alone

Did your small grain forages get away from you during the fall? It’s been a common problem this winter. Snow mold from overgrown winter...

Don’t Tell Dogs Knock Knock Jokes!

Or if you do, just be prepared....  

Time is Not Always Money

You know that old saying "A stitch in time saves nine"? Taking your time to prep before you work, might save you from having to get stitches or recuperate from some other injury. New On Pasture contributor Doug Ferguson shares tips that have saved him!

Good Stockmen Understand What an Animal is “Saying”

"Reading" what an animal is saying with it's movements is the best way to know how to tell it what you'd like it to do next. These examples will help you "talk" to your animals.

Tips For A Drought-Ready Grazing Playbook

Even if you're not a football fan, you've probably heard that the Super Bowl is coming. Just like teams write playbooks to boost their chances of success, we can build a grazing playbook to help us deal successfully with the things that Mother Nature throws at us.

Does Compost Tea Improve Pasture? Part 2

After a thorough investigation, these farmers aren't sold on using compost tea for pasture improvement.

Fool Me Once – But Not Twice!

Protecting our community from unproven practices is one of the reasons we write each week because we know how it feels when you find out you've been bamboozled.

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