Tuesday, July 16, 2024

electric fence - search results

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Greg Judy on How to Use Portable Fence Reels and Set Up Electric Fence Quickly and Easily

Lately I've been seeing questions from folks about portable electric fence reels - which ones to use and how to use them. The next...

Does Keeping the Soil Wet Around a Ground Rod Keep an Electric Fence Hot?

This week's electric fence article from Jason Detzel describes how to set up a Pos/Neg fence to keep it hot even when weeds begin...

Teaching Livestock to Respect Electric Fences

Electric fencing is fine. It makes it possible to be more flexible and versatile with our management and I recommend it without reservation. As...

Electric Fence Experiment Has Expected Ending

We all know what's going to happen. Even so, it's funny to watch these folks demonstrate how electric fencing, insulation, and grounding works with...

Winter Electric Fence Solutions

The use of Electric Fence in the winter is fast becoming a solution for controlling livestock. Some use it for winter grazing practices, some...

Training Livestock and Wildlife to Electric Fence

I always like to start an electric fence conversation with this statement: "Electric fence is not a Miracle." Quite frequently it is a miracle...

One Wire Electric Fences Make Managing and Teaching Calves Easy

As you're thinking about next year's grazing season, here's a fencing technique to work into your system. Easy for you, easy for your calves!

Fast Facts – Electric Fence Safety

These safety tips come to us from Rob DeClue of the Chenango County Soil and Water Conservation District and the New York Grazing Coaltion's Grazette newsletter.

Electric fences make hilarious stories

Good fences make good neighbors, but electric fences make hilarious stories. Rachel: Years ago, I heard this one, from a really neat guy named Bill Stout....

How to Install an Electric Poultry Fence

It's quick and easy and protects your poultry from predators. Here's how to put up an electric fence for poultry, and how to test to make sure it's working. The same technique works for goat/sheep netting, so check it out even if you don't want to fence in chickens.

Electric Fencing Supplies, Resources, and How-Tos for Success

This week we're talking electric fencing - the best invention so far for making grazing management easier and more profitable! As with everything if you...

Greg Judy has answers for your fence charger questions!

As we're heading into grazing season, fence chargers are on our minds. So, here's Greg Judy with a video on fence chargers and how...

Fenceline Weaning for Calves

Last week we shared a two-stage weaning process that reduces stress and illness and maintains or improves weight gain. Here's another option that also...

I Got Burned – My Lesson About Hot Fence

There are two different types of high tensile fences on my place.  The original fence was built to hold and protect sheep so it...

How to Successfully Go Solar on Your Electric Fencing

Like many of us, Dean Schneider of Bell Rule Genetics, wasn't satisfied with the performance of the typical all-in-one solar charged fencers he'd tried....

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