Friday, July 26, 2024

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New Research Reveals How Grazing Management Practices Affect Cattle Weight Gain by Altering Foraging Behavior

Rotational or continuous grazing? Which system allows for more sustainable and profitable free-range livestock production? Ranchers often rotate cattle seasonally among different pastures on their...

Veal Part 5 – Getting It On the Plates

This is the fifth and final installment from Sandra on how to successfully and profitably raise veal. Here she'll give you formulas for pricing your product, finding your market and helping others understand the importance of buying and eating humanely raised, sustainable veal.

Veal Part 4: Calves Into Veal – The Most Difficult Part of the Process

Harvesting, processing and packaging your product is different than what is typically done for other meat you harvest. With this article, Sandra points out the challenges and then how to be successful.

Veal Part 3: Let the Fun Begin! Handling, Care and Feeding

This is the third of a five-part of posts regarding veal production for small-scale farms and why educated eaters dedicated to local foods and sustainable agriculture should be eating veal as well as beef. Here Sandra covers the care and feeding of calves.

Veal Part Two: Getting Started Raising Veal

This is the second of a five-part series on veal production for small-scale farms and why educated eaters dedicated to local foods and sustainable agriculture should be eating veal as well as beef. Here Sandra covers veal-raising facilities and equipment, where to get your calves, and how to feed and transport them.

Veal Part One – Time to change attitudes and misconceptions

This is the first in a series of posts regarding veal production for small-scale farms and why educated eaters dedicated to local foods and sustainable agriculture should be eating veal more than beef.

It’s Not Easy Being a BLM Range Conservationist

This week, I'm sharing a story from the High country News about how federal rangelands managed by the Bureau of Land Management are not...

How Often Should You Move Your Herd?

Are you a competitive grazier? By that I mean, do you measure your success against other folks by how often you move your animals...

It’s Okay to Change Course

Here's another presentation for Week 2 of On Pasture's Virtual Conference. I learned something three decades ago that has served me well whenever I...

Continuous Grazing vs Rotational Grazing. How Often Should You Move Your Herd?

This week's article collection was inspired by an email I got from the Agricultural Research Service presenting the results of some research looking at...

Right-Sizing Your Grazing Operation – What Works Best?

John Marble and Troy Bishopp have something in common with many On Pasture readers. They expanded their grazing operations by renting pastures and grazing...

Is it the Cattle Causing Water Quality Problems? Bring in the Forensics Team!

When water quality tests in the Mink Creek watershed came back showing high levels of E. coli bacteria, Idaho's Department of Environmental Quality reported...

Staging Forages for Fall and Winter Grazing

Victor Shelton helps us make the most of our forages by telling us which should be grazed first, and which will last into the winter months.

Targeted Cattle Grazing Quickly Contains Wildfires

Back in 1997 when I first began my research project on the logistics of using goats to create firebreaks to protect homes in wildland...

Aspirin Takes the Headache Out of Establishing Sustainable Pastures

It seems like there is a lot of good research results becoming available right now. In June, we learned how plants develop "memories" to...

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