Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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How My Grazing Plan Helped When Everything Went Wrong

Troy has been sharing how he extends his grazing season every year thanks to charting his management. But this fall Mother Nature threw him a big curve with rain 28 days out of 40 and a killing frost that came a month late. Here's how he made it through.

To Plant Or Not To Plant My Ryegrass

Even if you're not a candidate for planting ryegrass, you'll want to check out the principles of grazing management that Don describes in this piece about working with your local climate, understanding forages, and making grazing pay.

How Do You Graze in November When the Weather is Warmer or Wetter Than Usual?

I mentioned last month that there are still plenty of good growing days left this fall and they need to be taken advantage of....

The Wahl Family’s Mobile Flock – Part 2 of Managing for Healthier, More Productive Animals and a Better Bottom Line

This is the second in a series about the grazing management changes the Wahl family has made and how it has improved soil health...

Greg Judy’s Success Making it Through This Summer’s Drought

Hello From Green Pastures Farm! Things haven't been so green this summer thanks to very little rainfall this past winter, spring and summer. But what...

What Makes Grass Grow Back Fastest – Trampling, Clipping or Cow Spit?

Troy started this piece, Kathy Voth added some, and Jim Gerrish shared his observations. And with all that, we're still not sure we have...

Can You Be a Grazing Soothsayer?

Back in 2014/15, Troy Bishopp took us all along on his journey to extend his grazing season. He showed the good and the bad and all the planning that went with getting to 257 grazeable days on his New York state farm. This year he's trying something different - and he's going to show us all how it goes as he does it. Check this out!

Custom Grazing: Why I Got Out

After five start-up years as a custom grazier, Meg decided to make some changes. Here she talks about why and what her new set up is.

So, Which Is It – Drought Planning or Weed Management?

John Marble plans for drought every year and some years, like this one, he has to implement that plan. Now, he's seeing some real changes in the weed component of his pastures, making him wonder - is he managing for drought or to get rid of weeds?

Grazing Inspiration From the Hamann Family and Their Blue Bell Ranch

Some days you just need a little inspiration to keep on keeping on. So here's the Hamann family, winners of South Dakota's 2017 Leopold Conservation Award, to take you on a tour of their ranch and how their management has grown the grasslands they love.

How Long Should a Pasture Recovery Period Be? – Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, Dave Pratt of Ranch Management Consultants talked about pasture recovery periods, focusing on what happens when forages are...

Rest is Not a 4-Letter Word – Timing for Pasture Recovery – Part 1

Well - technically it is a 4-letter word, but we shouldn't use it like it is one. Here, Dave Pratt talks about why it is one of the most important words in a grazier's vocabulary if you want to build capacity on your farm or ranch.

When Does Fertilizing Pasture Pay? – Part 2

Last week, Bruce Anderson shared information about break even points when it comes to spending money on nitrogen fertilizer for pastures. This week, we...

Managing Mud

NRCS's Victor Shelton is in the middle of a wet and muddy spring in Indiana. He tells us, "As much as I like the...

Managing Risk in Winter Grazing Systems

These articles are all based on a series of videos put together by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry along with many partners. Grant Lastiwka, Forage...

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