Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Low-Stress Livestock Handling – It’s All In Your Head

The right mind-set can really improve your chances of becoming a good livestock handler. It starts with thinking about livestock in a new way.

The Case for Low-Stress Livestock Handling

In my first article, I introduced stockmanship as an under-appreciated and under-utilized component of operating sustainable livestock operations, and argued that its one essential...

Frugal Innovations

Frugal innovating is the art of using human ingenuity to create solutions from the resources at hand. Farmers and ranchers are usually born frugal innovators, but we could all use a little inspiration to improve those skills. Here you go!

A High-Forage Diet for A Better Bottom Line

For your herd, a high-forage diet can help your bottom line, but you should take care to use high-quality forage. Here's how to make a high-forage diet work for you.

Stockmanship: An Essential Component of Sustainability

Stockmanship is a powerful, yet under-appreciated and under-utilized component of operating sustainable livestock operations. It requires no additional inputs, yet studies have shown that...

How to Size Paddocks for Intensive Grazing

Have you been wondering how to decide the size of your paddocks when you're setting up an intensive grazing system? These tips from NCAT's Dave Scott will help you get going.

Romance vs. Reality Part 2: Hard Lessons Learned in a Grass-fed Beef Marketing Cooperative

Editor’s Note: Last week we shared the first half of this article.  This is part two in series that comes to us from Iowa State University...

How Do You Know If Your Livestock Are Too Hot?

It's hot out there, and in some places it's really humid too! If you're feeling it, so are your livestock. To help you figure...

Training Livestock to Leave Streams and Use Uplands

Cattle can damage streams and surrounding vegetation (riparian areas) by over-grazing riparian vegetation, breaking down banks, decreasing water quality, which can reduce fish populations...

Turn Your Livestock Into Weed Eaters

In 2004, Kathy Voth began developing a method to teach cows to eat weeds. Her first attempt was with a small herd at Grant-Kohrs...

Grazing: Is it Art or Is It Science?

True grazing artists understand that when things aren't going as planned, or Mother Nature gives you a surprise, you don't give up on science. You just remix your paint.

Breeding Matters Part IV: Culling for Fertility

You can breed however you'd like. To be truly successful, breed for fertility, and breed for your farm. Morgan delves deeper into how.

Grazing Stockpiled Forage Winter Pasture Walk

Are you tired of feeding hay all winter?  Want to save money and let your herd feed themselves? Join Us at The Bishopp Family Farm...

Breeding Matters III – Inbreeding vs. Line Breeding

Confused about the difference? Here's what separates the two "relatives."

Eat more meat and save the world

Allan Savory tells us that increasing livestock numbers can reduce desertification and reverse climate change – but where is the scientific evidence? In this article, the author describes what he found when he asked this question. We found it very interesting, and thought you would too. It's sure to bring up some lively and worthwhile discussion, particularly around the idea of Holistic Management, its definition and how it is implemented.

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