Friday, May 17, 2024

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The History of the Road to Pastuerized Milk

With the conversation about raw milk heating up recently (no pun intended), and more legislation being introduced to allow it to be sold at...

How Mob Grazing Works for Dairies in the Northeast

Dairy farmers wanted to know how to implement this practice on their farms the authors took on the task of checking out how it works for farmers using it in Pennsylvania and New York.

Grazing to Grow Better Pasture

Though you may not have the same grass species described in this article, you're sure to get some information about how grazing affects plant rooting depth, shading, and nutrient distribution and some good ideas about how to manage your grazing to get the results you'd like.

Using Livestock Behavior Makes Improving Landscapes Easier

In Part II of this series summarizing Bob Budd's lessons learned, he describes how understanding and using an animal's natural behavior makes it easier to move them and use them to improve landscapes and create habitat.

Samsung Electronics Announces Availability of Eco Trees

Samsung Electronics announced Eco Trees, a smart, eco-friendly air purifier that runs on solar energy, for a richer, sustainable, healthier life. Air Fresh SMART Eco Trees...

Cattle Without Legs?! Part II – Forage Recovery and Allocation

In Part I, Meg described how breeding for stocky cattle makes sense and dollars. Now she describes the forage part of creating legless cattle and a better bottom line.

Why Don’t Chickens Lay Eggs in the Winter?

It's all about the birds and the bees.

Are You Covered Enough? We Weren’t

Bruce and Beth are good farmers and smart business people. They're the last people you would expect to face the situation they're facing after fire destroyed two farm buildings. They share their experience being under-insured to make sure it doesn't happen to you, and to ask for something they rarely ask for: Help.

Organizing Pasture Walks

One of our readers wrote in and asked for an article on how to plan a pasture walk. Thanks, Carol. We hope this helps you and all the other folks who want to learn from their fellow graziers.

Orchestrating Diversified Livestock

Managing multiple species and the pasture that support them is like a complex symphony with you as the conductor. Here's how to make beautiful music

How Science Works: Learning From Controversy Over a Study Linking GM Corn to Tumors in Rats

The whole topic of Genetically Modified Organisms is controversial, and this article doesn't discuss their use or banning their use. Instead, we want to look at this current controversy to help us understand how the scientific process works, why science done well is important to helping us make decisions, and how we can gather information to help us understand the difference between science properly done, and science poorly done.

Veal Part 5 – Getting It On the Plates

This is the fifth and final installment from Sandra on how to successfully and profitably raise veal. Here she'll give you formulas for pricing your product, finding your market and helping others understand the importance of buying and eating humanely raised, sustainable veal.

Silvopasturing: Two Products in One

Brett has been developing expertise in silvopasturing as he works on his own farm. Here's an introduction to the idea, and to some resources. We'll be sharing more in the future.

Wetland Restoration: “What Do You Want To Do That For?”

Enhancing wetland areas on your farm can bring a whole new community of wildlife to your land.

Bale Grazing: Feed the Cattle, Feed the Pasture

If you didn't have a chance to stockpile forage for winter grazing, here's another way to make your life easier, your animals' lives better, all while improving your pastures.

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